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Messages posted by: Unpredictable
Forum Index » Profile for Unpredictable » Messages posted by Unpredictable
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Happens to all of us
Now you truly go over the top Yacoob but still... that was funny!

Now if only all those Yacoob/The Problem wanna be people like Reaper would learn to actually be funny and not annoying.
Reaper> lol you nob. I am better than you. iam real warrior nob lolz
Rocky Marciano> Reaper I have beaten you way more than you have beaten me and in fact you only have just a couple of “wins” over me and most of those are via KOing me when the game froze for me. Koing someone who is not even there to box back is lame. I can beat you 99 times out of 100 matches.
Reaper> I beat you nob I am better than you lol nob iam a warrior you would lose.
Rocky Marciano> I am done with talking. I am here and ready to prove that I can beat you 99 times out of 100 matches so let’s start boxing.

Reaper> lol z whatever nob I’ll ko you ezy sucka

Match 1: Rocky Marciano has KOED Reaper in round 1 without even breaking sweat.
*You koed Reaper in 1
*Reaper went online
*You went online

Rocky Marciano> gf
Reaper> That was pure nob luck.

Match 2: Rocky Marciano has KOED Reaper in round 1 without even breaking sweat.
*You koed Reaper in 1
*Reaper went online
*You went online

Rocky Marciano> gf
Reaper> Fuck you lucky nob

Match 3: Rocky Marciano has KOED Reaper in round 1 without even breaking sweat.
*You koed Reaper in 1
*Reaper went online
*You went online

Match 4: Rocky Marciano has KOED Reaper in round 1 without even breaking sweat.
*You koed Reaper in 1
*Reaper went online
*You went online

Match 5: Rocky Marciano has KOED Reaper in round 1 without even breaking sweat.
*You koed Reaper in 1
*Reaper went online
*You went online

Rocky Marciano> gf let's continue
Reaper> nob I was on phone
Rocky Marciano> of cource you were... now let's continue

Match 6: Rocky Marciano has KOED Reaper in round 1 without even breaking sweat.
*You koed Reaper in 1
*Reaper went online
*You went online

Match 7: Rocky Marciano has KOED Reaper in round 1 without even breaking sweat.
*You koed Reaper in 1
*Reaper went online
*You went online

Match 8: Rocky Marciano has KOED Reaper in round 1 without even breaking sweat.
*You koed Reaper in 1
*Reaper went online
*You went online

Match 9: Rocky Marciano has KOED Reaper in round 1 without even breaking sweat.
*You koed Reaper in 1
*Reaper went online
*You went online

and so on all the way to…

Match 16: Rocky Marciano has KOED Reaper in round 1 without even breaking sweat.
*You koed Reaper in 1
*Reaper went online
*You went online

Rocky Marciano> gf let’s continue
Reaper> Fucz you nob yo are just luzk nob
Rocky Marciano> WTF are you talking about? I just KOed you 16 times in a row all inside first round. Now let’s continue and do rest of the matches. It seems like it won’t take too long since you can’t even make it out of first round.
Reaper> I cnt be arsed into boxing you more. I am not a geek.
Rocky Marciano> So you quit? Ok I see you are here way more than I am so wtf are you babbling about. Only reason you do not want to continue is that you just realized I am going to win all those 99 matches with ease. You want to quit and not do rest of the matches because you are getting owned.
Reaper>…I neva aggred to do 100 match. Lol you ma be geek but I am kool and cnt be arsed into boxing. Half time I wathg TV
Rocky Marciano> Ok so after getting KOed 16 times in a row you give up and so my point is proven. I can beat you 99 times out of 100 like I claimed I can do.
Reaper has logged off


Now the real joke is that this is actually something that happened. He kept running his mouth and I kind of had enough of it and told him that I believe I can beat him 99 times out of 100 and challenged him to box. After losing 16 times (or something close to that) in a row, all by KO inside first round, he quit (gave up) and logged off pretty quickly.

Wow you really have no clue Reaper.

How about you first go and get few amateur matches and then and only then speak about going pro.
It is almost too funny how quick you are to backpedal when things you say on chat get called out. You did make statement that you are going pro soon and you did refer yourself to Rocky Marciano.

By the way I never knew you weight only 60 KG. That's not a lot at all even taking into account that you are only 173 cm tall. You should eat more or something.

Now as far as that quote goes you are not excatly owning anyone. The point of this topic is to funktion as a reality check for you. People do get hurt in pro boxing and delusional kids like you are easy pray.
Tyson because he was 10 times the athlethe Marciano was.

Tyson also had access to resources and knowledge Marciano never had resulting Tyson being physically much more capable boxer than Marciano was.

Comparing athelthes of past decades to "current" athlethes rarely makes any sense. It is more like asking who would win 100 meters dash between Carl Lewis and current world record holder. Just for the record Carl Lewis was good in his time but the current world record is far out of his reach... This should illustrate my point even to thich headed individuals such as Reaper.
I just hear something fun or perhaps it is not fun at all but rather alarming.

Fellow member of onlineboxing Reaper made a statement that he is going to go pro (pro as pro boxer) in real life soon. I also heard that he is quite serious about this making all kind of references to Rocky Marciano and how Rocky Marciano started boxing relatively late. He seems to think he can do it just like Rocky Marciano did it.

Maybe it is just me but I do find this bit funny. First of all Rocky Marciano was physically extremely gifted individual. He had talent and unique gifts that are rare. He also did not go pro out of blue. He actually boxed in the army winning the championship there. He had an amateur career. Top of that he did sports for his whole youthood making it to football team, baseball team and just into any team he wanted to join. After school he did hard manual labour and eventually joined army.

Reaper on the other hand is 19 years old average joe who has been boxing for four months. It is very unlikely that he is physically and genetically gifted individual in a any Rocky Marciano was (it is VERY rare). Looking at his pictures he looks more like average kid with no musclemass and soft untoned body. Actually judging from his pictures he is not physically gifted at all and for sure has not trained his body.

Now boxing and sports in general have evolved since the days of Rocky Marciano. Talent pool is much bigger resulting in tougher competition in general. Training methods and knowledge of how to optimize ones physical performance have progressed to whole another level. (While Rocky Balboa is a good movie, it is just a movie.) Simply put it is all much thougher these days. The bar is higher.

Now Reaper what you need to realise is that this computer game is not the same as real life. You can be ok, good or whatever in this game but it does not translate to real life boxing in any way whatsoever. You also need to realise that you are not Rocky Marciano and not even close. You have never been begged to join the football team or whatever team. You have not done manual labour as your livelyhood and you have not spent most of your youthood lifting weights and hitting heavy bag like Rocky did. Simply put you have not molded your body for YEARS like Rocky Marciano did (almost a decade). You also need to realise that he was genetically/physically gifted individual and that you are not. Even with his gifts Rocky would have not made it if he had not spend his whole life up to that point doing all shorts of extensively physical activities to the point it was how he supported himself. You need to realise, that while you have perhaps played little bit basketball or whatever it is you have done, that it becomes no where close to what Rocky Marciano did.

Seriously I do not think you can even get a lisence. Who is his right mind would give a lisence to some random guy without any previous amateur backround? That's a liability issue.

Now you are just 19 years old average joe who likes boxing and that is it. you dont have any musclemass, your body is soft and you really dont have the talent Rocky Marciano had. Top of that you are too old. There are thousands of guys who have been boxing for anywhere from 6 to 10 years honing their timing, combos, moving and techniques in general. How an earth do you think you could take any of these guys with your backround?

Last but not least there are guys that have no other choice in life than make it in boxing or fade a way in whatever trash ghetto they live in. These guys do nothing but train and they do not kid. They do not care if you get braindamage. All they care is that they make it and that they win. 19 years old middle class kid who wants to try pro boxing is dream opponent for such guy. They would smash you bad. Do not do it.

Seriously what is wrong with you? Are you delusional or just disconnected from reality?
Now Reaper finally did what he should have been doing long time ago and stopped ducking Larry and fought him in a room where Reaper himself was ranked at top.

Despite the fact that you lost it was the right move to do so more power to you Reaper.

I have seen zero improvement from you. It is still as easy to beat you as it was before this so called break of yours.
Nice now up your skillz fast.
Well the funny thing is that he has been ducking me for weeks so I decided to make and alt and lured him into boxing me. Reaper got KTFO once again. The best part is that he does not even know it was me lol. I had to make up totally new boxing style to fool him.

Nah he is not Reaper. His style is different than Reapers.

In anycase he is not taking Nigel, Larry, HTF, Black Bear etc. for a long a long time. I just TKOed him and it was relatively easy.
"I have stopped ducking..."

Simply put this is a lie. You have NOT stoppped ducking at all.
please keep this thread on topic.
It is about time to update these power rankings.

Edit log: - updated again

1. Larry Holmes- No matter what people say the guy is still great. Since Fatny retired he has been the man to beat. Veteran style gives him control over the rings. CHANGES: moves up to first.

2. Black Bear - This guy is great. He has a completely balanced fighting game and it's shocking how he gets his opponents on the ropes by controling the fight. He's the top contender for a reason and he's shown he can mix it up with the top fighters in the game. Lately he has been in fire. CHANGES: moves up to second.

3. Here To FIght- The Roy Jones Jr of OB is back and taking em all out. Much like Nigel he'll be on top in a week but he has the ability to take out Fatny. Often regarded as the best of all time. He seems to be back on a mission to reclaim the title of the best. CHANGES: moves up to third.

4. Nigel Benn- The super slugger is back. His outstanding record is HOF worthy. And he is just simply adding to his resume. I would be shocked if he's not number three or even number two by next week. CHANGES: moves up to fourth.

5. Red Viper - Viper had a good streak dominating the competition recently, and it showed with his improved record. He quickly takes out competition by wailing on them from the start of the bell. As of recent, he's been losing some fights he should not lose. CHANGES: moves down to 5th.

6. Rocky Marciano - Hailing from P4P this guy is as though as they come. He can slug, box and you name it. Just when you think you got him he comes back with a KO. Lately he has been upping his skills by a lot giving top 5 Boxers hard time. He is unpredictable... CHANGES: none

7. 1 Dope Mexican - This guy is scary. I don't know what it is, but this guy should be a lot more recognized than he is. Recently just beat Viper multiple times and has always stayed on the path of winning. This guy could be the next champion when Fatny is done. CHANGES: none

8. Boxa - I havn't seen much of the "real" Boxa as he hates lag, but the fights i've seen, he has very fast hands and good combo's, all round good attack. Can Break down opponents gradually, great fighter.

9. USA - Came back not long ago and is at the top again, good at pressuring and takes advantages of openings, very hard to pick him off.

10. Oscar De La Hoya- Despite him not fighting in a while. He is still relatively active and sports a great record. He is top ten in three of the four divisions and wears his opponents down before blasting them with hard shots. He is known to play the stamina game and fights all the B and A class fighters. CHANGES: moved to 9th.

up and coming just out of top10:

11. Flash - The father of power rankings. What can you say about him that has not been already said? Just like his name implies he is as fast as they come. Don't blink he'll take you out with a fast combo. CHANGES: none

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