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Messages posted by: Unpredictable
Forum Index » Profile for Unpredictable » Messages posted by Unpredictable
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I love it Oscar. HUGE thanks!
I am so sick and tired of people ducking, refusing RM and in general coming up with excuses.

I am actually thinking of quitting this game. It is just nbto fun anymore.
Kind of hard to knock him down when he runs and hides and makes sure he never accepts a match.
"eh wtf i havent been on ob today lol and no i havent been fillin ranks with hundreads of alts or boxing myself."

OK let's see.

1. Number of different suspicious alt's log on and off.

- non of them do RM's
- all of them talk like you
- all of them act like you

2. People discuss this on chat

3. I make this thread

4. 15 seconds after I make this you post on this thread

5. I think people are smart enough to do the math...

which means your been on, your been filling teh ranks and you are trying to do excatly what I wrote you are trying to do.



Ps. Apologies to Titan aka. Blanco for a reason he knows )
I really got fed up with Reapers no RM, ducking etc. bs today. Top of that he is making zillion alts and filling the ranks with his own alts in order to box himself, protect his main or whatever he is trying to accomplish by doing that. I think his target is to get his own alts ranked second in rooms where his main alt Reaper is ranked first and then just box himself for the title.

Mikkel seriously please just ban him already. Who else feels the same?
OK this idea is not mine. It was discussed and developed in the chat window of the actual game and originally suggested by Steve Forbes.

Here is a suggestion how champion in each respective division should be decided:

Have a tournament in each of the 4 divisions. Participants would be top 8 of each room.

So 4 separate tournaments one for each separate title and participants would be top 8 of each room.

Some trusted player like Tyrant could set it up.

So what do you all think?
Reaper STFU and fight LArry, Black Bear, DOpe Mexican, me and all the rest of top 10 fighters and lets see if you still have all those points after that.

I bet you won't.

and I know you know it which is why you keep ducking all those people.
Since Fatny vacated titles those titles have remained vacant.

Now I have heard 2 suggestions how to decide next champions:

1. Have a tournament for each title.

2. 1st and 2nd ranked boxers box for the titles in a few weeks.

Tournament sounds great but if there is going to be one there also has to be a system to seed boxers for those title tournaments for it to be manageable.

The second option however sounds good but does not really work at all. We have people like Reaper who mostly box only up and coming middle level fighters and people they know they can beat and then hug their points refusing to box anyone of real challenge.

Why should such a person get a title shot? The whole thing is rigged. I am going to use Reaper as an example due to him being perfect example of this. When rankings got reset he quickly boxed some people he knew he can defeat to gain number 1 rank and then started ducking fighters who are ranked at top 10 in power rankings voted by members of this forum. I checked his record after he ducked me for god knows for [insert BIG number] time and noticed that he really keeps avoiding people like LArry, Feroz etc. People who would take his points, his ranks, people who really deserve the title shot.

So now he has over 1200 points and keeps boxing people he knows he can beat and keeps ducking all top 10 ranked (in power rankings) people (Larry, HTF, Dope Mexican etc.) who can really be dangerous. He never fights high level opponents.

Why should such a person get automatic shot at winning the title?

Please have a tournament for the titles. Seed boxers there. If Reaper is so desperate for a title shot lets see if he can even make it to the final of teh tournament.

(Yes I know Reaper is going to come to this thread and post about beating me. Yes he actually managed to win against me one time and it was legit. Then again I have beaten him propably over 100 times now and most of those inside first round and then again I was losing to everyone on that very day.)

BTW. This is all whining but him ducking me to save his points and ducking everyone to save his points to get automatic title shot pisses me off.
I think we should have 2 weeks prior to title fights to let rankings short out themselfs.

Currently some people are ducking desperately clinging on their points.
IMHO rank 1 and 2 should box for the belt. I dont want to see any tournament for titles.
Seriously... how much time do you spend writing and coming up with these stories?

I mean...
Hey Mikkel,

I dont know if you already know of this but ranks are still broken. People can not lose points at all which leads to people just piling up massive amount of points and never losing their ranks despite losing streaks.


First it was like endless supply

now it is the opposite going down way fast. Even just touching the gloves takes relatively big amount of stamina (note: relatively).

I think we should have some medium between these two extremes.

Please discuss.
Well what can I say...

Larry Holmes vs. Unpredictable

Match 1: Larry Holmes via KO in round 3

Match 2: Larry Holmes via TKO in round 8

Overall winner: Larry Holmes


GF Larry
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