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Messages posted by: el capillo
Forum Index » Profile for el capillo » Messages posted by el capillo
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Mikkel wrote: Problem is I don't trust anyone else to make a good boxinggame since IMO there has never been a good one before.

well i believe ther is one good one it's challanging you can change your style to win fights and the person fights back.

boxing online or somthing like that very good i suggest you all play it
i love those sweet left hooks just tap and out

tap that! all on the floor tap that
click click................pat
okly you make a new creation and trhen change the name.

most of the other have dis apeared
theres a difference between the best and your favorite im surprised no one has said gatti

in no perticular order

joel casamayor
tommy hearns
ray robinson
roberto duran
micheal watson


i have thought
that tassels are the next.......what i have a fetish
yea but there not thats the point. did anyone see the recent micheal moorer fight the other guy was taunting like a nutter. but was getting slaughtered i dont mind taunting it's been round for years it isnt aggrsive just to show your in the fight but this is stupid it isnt classy it isnt smooth just makes you wanna say i dont care im winning
i was thinking 4 different styles of trunks the one we have now the stripe down the side the checkered ones ones with stars or somthing like that.

that way it's only four things to change not 16 different colours
Ray Johnson wrote:Check out King of Knowledge's avatar. It's huge

true but very nice pic
i agree with both king of knowledge(great avatar)for his points about the rope a dope. and ray johnson on his belif that you lose the later fights becuase it hurts your career.

but a winky wright style of defence of staying in the pocket hitting to the body jabbing. thats the best way
a roper doper has to come foreward to issue the fight the point is that the player has to hit you if you just block everything the guy will be discouraged to keep the stamina issue.
ali won becuase foreaman thought he was doing a great job and when he was tired ali came out and landed a 3 shot combo and covered up. if you block everything

i like the sugarray style jab when far body punches on the inside of beat punches to the head fients leaning just being a clever boxer not giving an inch unless theres somthing up your sleeve and no taunting...i seriosly hate taunters.pisses me off when somone does the chicken dance or the "come to me" thing. just after you landed a left hook...dude i can see your hurt dosnt pretend theres a fcuking health bar saying exactly how you head is feeling.
ban bear
i was commenting on the stamina problem

no one can do anything after 6 rounds for fear of losing the fight to a jab to the body

most guys are tired out I.E stamina on round 4

ok anyone seen a fight were you see one guy searching for a ko and just presses forewards free willing while the other who boxes uses the jab and clinchs when on the inside and is very technical in his apraoch

then the slugger wins because of aggresion

well here we go k-jah put on a clinic like a james toney product who out lasts the hard hitting hitandrun (which his name doesnt suit)

hope this guy does well

good fight from both guy
what way i havnt noticed? elaborate
nah it was bareknuckle boxing i.e no kicks no biting no chocking no flooring and little wrestling.

the guy won because he made the bigger guy (in muscle)work for it and by chokin him and hitting him while he was down was just awful
simple london prize fighting rules.

and most of kimbo's fights last around 5 to 6 mins of interupted punching in this it's 10 mins of kimbo continously punching...most modern heavies couldnt do that rather impressed by him without any cardio training.

maybe to muuscle bound for the mercer fight but ...hey
Forum Index » Profile for el capillo » Messages posted by el capillo
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