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Messages posted by: el capillo
Forum Index » Profile for el capillo » Messages posted by el capillo
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and to those who have never seen or heard of joel casamayor

me ages ago and my only pictur i have

hiya y'all im retiring till ob 3-d

i have had enough beat downs and it wasnt guys like reaper who stop me it's larry holmes and sugaray and fatny red viper boxa ray johnson maybe the top boxers here (awaht am i saying maybe they are) and everytime if fight anyone who is in sniffing distance of a level of class with boxing class i fall apart.

reaper dont think this is your victory you were exposed like a cliff face. and that style has got to change i used to defend you when guys ganged up on you even when you started to holler about how p4p are so usless and io can beat them all i was defending you.

and ray stop stealing my thunder iwas going to retire
well i suppose we will be the 40 year old heavywieghts you see today on a comback trail who havtn fought for 12 years in 3-d.

i was going to say in more paragraphs than what ray said but he said it well the o-b world has changed too this diss culture and then blaming it on others for being a fool about itand then you diss them for being a fool that there being a fool and then the circle goes on and on.

im actually fighting to get a fight arguing that this guy is mine and i saw him firstthere is so little talent out there and when i do fight the creme they are either leagues infront of me or are so far behind so i bow for a later date
also mikkel in 3-d could we make an eject option by moderators to stop guys fighting who have been spamming.

roll calljigsaw- you were one of my first gatti-ward style fighter i fought you were unpolsihed and too left hook left hook LEFT HOOK but i have just fought you and even though i did stop you after a kd on your part and i was just piling on the pressure.
you WILL be achampion somday your to green now but when you have 1000 fights under your belt you will be the shiznit.

ray johnson- odd fighter boxes so well and hits with those combo's like a speed ball on crack(knew phrase look it up) but i think i never have beat you ebven with such a average looking record.

larry-i give full credit you had me a beaten man tonight and once in a mans life youve got to know when you are the beaten man. and i was a beaten man tonight.

boxa - you will be top dog you box better and more conventionally than larry an sugaray ever done.

oscar-....well loads of you are called thatr but p4p oscar. great combo puncher loads of instent counterpuncher tactics and will be the man. when your in the zone youe unbeatable.

and catfish- you are SEXY

and one more final word


look reaper i dont disrespect your style if i hadnt respected it then i wouldnt of been able to beat you.

boxing is a way of hiting and racking points while the other man loses points and cant hit you thats the point of boxing.

but you have totally misled it for being a boxing match but...
it's an online game and the point us guys come on here is so we fight and exchange wors while having a buzz of beating guys.

there is a huge element of boxing and your mayweather style is nice and complex for a real life boxing match. and jabbing and not getting hit is a huge part of ob but it has to be a 70-30 defence not 90-10
nor would you have a man having a huge punch output and little defence.

we are here to have fun and you arent fun to fight with
now i was fighting against reaper as he so unpolitly asked.

anyway went into his corner and did his rope-a-shell skills by staying on the ropes and jabbing to the body.

now thats cool aslong as you know your fight then your a boxer.

but this was maybe the most boring fight i have ever done i went foreward while he just clinched by the time i found out that jabs to the body work a dream ive wasted my stamina and i started to get rocked like a baby by jabs.

so in the end in the 9th round i just got tko by taking a jab good showing of my chin methinks.

so i was purly outboxed and shown up and asked for a rematch.

so i did the same tactcis he did to me by staying the corner and an landing the weak stuff but throwing nothing back.

my response shows that he cant fight going foreward any man with a jab and an uppercut will take him apart he will move forward trying to intice you to his side but if you stand firm he will come over.

-jabs to body
-lean back and block anything
-dont play his game be your own man
-when he gets desprate go to the body he'll fall apart toatally get ruined

so if anyone is pissed off by his tactics do these techniques and he'll be yours good hunting

im not trying to be preachy but this was my best win not in the person a beat but how i switched my style completly to get the advanatge.
im not a great boxer nor a puncher but i want to show you that to all those who arnt suited to his style how to beat him.
i had gone 10 rounds with a whack fighter(thats his name and i feel i have worn it out) anyways

i was jabbing moving i was kd twice he was 4 times i had thrown more than my share of the punches i was hurt only on round all the others i had jabbed and barged him to the corner.

i'll bring some cuban/carrib flavour to this clan
1 JIGSAW 1 wrote:hey im a counter puncher and people dont dog me and i love winning by ko from a counter
lucky tike

i have been turned down beacuse i go to the body too much... oops how silly of me
Tyrant wrote:It is an accomplishment to last a round you're losing because it means you have the next round to turn the fight back in your favor. I say, always give yourself a chance the next round. Don't risk getting KOed in round 3 if you've lost 2 1/2min of it. Just finish the round on your feet and try harder the next.

We all approach it differently. Mine doesn't always win me fights, but as a counter puncher I need every round in the book no matter how bad I may be losing. I am there for 12-15 rounds whether they boo me or not.
i like to hear that from a counter puncher..we are kinda hated and dodged by the masses for being boring I.E not giving them a oppening. and if the boo me or not ....i win my way
well if anyone can remember the mayweather-dlh hype.

fatny is too small his power wont travel to that wieght.
he's a boring fighter he will get beaten by the aggresive fighter.

htf is the greatest ever he has a album out he was robbed loads of times he is too big he is the best fighter of all time....and he is rather morrish
jah has blessed you
it's so easy to counter right hand on the chin when they rise...makes them stand up tall for once
or down...for a very long time
i fought him today and it was an epic fight with loads of brutal punishment...anyways

the point is that it's a close fight all i have in my favour is that i have knocked him down more times. he then hooks i catch him on the chin while in mid air the game freezes.

lucky for him his connection stops your as well as his he can win as many times as possible.
if anyone can remember nassem hamed same thing he was arrogant and obnoxios but it was very toungue in cheek he didnt mean it severly. he is a generally a class act.

yacoob is the same thing he might talki smack but he doesnt mean it.
^snore if you asked any avergae joe on the street what there top boxers are/were that would be that list.

but Me is very overated not lineal only held an abc belt doesnt have the skills of the upeer echolon can beat only bums and unlucky vets. exiting fighter though
alright jokes over .

mikkel you are an absolute legend kinda like myspace tom of the game world
Forum Index » Profile for el capillo » Messages posted by el capillo
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