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Messages posted by: Loose Cannon
Forum Index » Profile for Loose Cannon » Messages posted by Loose Cannon
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Rocky Marciano wrote:Level of the playing field gets tougher and tougher ever year so while winning 28 titles way back in time is a nice accomplishment winning even few titles is now much harder - unless you are Fatny.

Very true. I use to win belts often a few years back... but now, the belts are dominated by one or two guys all the time. Titles use to change hands much more often, but as people get better and better, they get them and hold onto them for months.

So yeah that Boxa guy, he's pretty good... =-0

BoXa wrote:
Loose Cannon wrote:I did want individual opinions, you're right. But this is a discussion, so we can disagree as well.

but why ask for an opinion to disregard it?

lmao... you like over-analyzing shit don't you? They give their opinion, I give mine... does it really matter? lol
I did want individual opinions, you're right. But this is a discussion, so we can disagree as well.
BoXa wrote:
Loose Cannon wrote:Surj, you're B and catfish... lmfao.

well whats the point in you asking us what class we think we are in if your just gonna disagree?

Dude, don't read too much into this shit. Not a big deal. Even couture said other people should determine what you are.
Surj, you're B and catfish... lmfao.
This shit was funny as hell and I'm glad you did it. It had everyone talking and created interested. You should keep throwing swerves at us like this from time to time.
el capillo wrote:you just cant take punishment and you cant send it back...rope a dope is a common tactic now...sadly

This to me is a pretty dumb statement. I was whooping him badly for nine rounds. Then when my stamina is low, he KOed me. It can happen to just about anyone.

And catfish, I remember destroying you last time. haha

And what's funny about all this, is when I requested a rematch, tdotkiller admitted that he has too much trouble with my style and REFUSED to take a rematch. He would not accept another match with me. That says a lot about his character and basically admitted that since he can't dominate me, he won't fight me.
Which punch do YOU think is the least used punch in this game?
Rocky Marciano wrote:That random c-level player you are talking about is Fatny. It is Fatny's alt. Propably an alt he used to learn this game or an alt he uses just to have non serious matches and experiment. In anycase Fatny himself confirmed it is his alt.

Ah, well I didn't know that. And the reason I said C-Level is going by the record of the name, that's all.
Damn, I see it now! Every time I played single, the bots always eat hooks and jabs...

and when I fought unpredictable last, I was jabbing the shit out of him and doing pretty well for a moment.

Bot or not, this has been a fun little mystery to the game. It has gotten us all talking and created some interest...
"It" got knocked out today by a random C-Level player. Broke a huge winning streak.
No way it's a bot. It's an amazing player, with amazing precision, timing and accuracy.
Whoever it is, he is the most precise puncher EVER. It's as if he knows what you're going to do before you even do it.

He is just too accurate... once he has your life low, it's over. You cannot recover. That is why most of his fights end in 3KD TKO's within the first round.

Yeah, you're gettin' better. Gave me a little trouble today.
Forum Index » Profile for Loose Cannon » Messages posted by Loose Cannon
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