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Messages posted by: Loose Cannon
Forum Index » Profile for Loose Cannon » Messages posted by Loose Cannon
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I also want to say big thanks to Rush(Couture) for registaring me on the board. I tried to registar several times and just got error messages. Thanks, man.
What's up everyone? After a 12 month layoff from the game, I've decided to come back. I just got tired of it and go so wrapped up in everyday life, that I didn't really care to play anymore.

Has anything changed about the game? I've fought a few fights since coming back a few days ago and I've noticed there are a lot more guys fighting the defensive style and the "up down, up down" style as I like to call it.

Seems like everyone is learning how to fight very well, very quickly... all these tough players, I won't be able to do shit, lol. I feel like a newb again, my timing is off and I make dumbass mistakes and get caught with wild punches, lol. But it's all good, I'm just a B-Plus level guy anyway.

Congratulations to Unstopp for going into the HOF. I knew he would make it. I'm gonna try to get back in the groove, but hey, I'll always be just an ok fighter.

See ya around.
Forum Index » Profile for Loose Cannon » Messages posted by Loose Cannon
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