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Messages posted by: johnbludger
Forum Index » Profile for johnbludger » Messages posted by johnbludger
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yeah what he said
go big mac
all i had to do was switch to Safe mode and use disk defragment made my laptop faster
why do u care so much
he moved to a different city and he broke his cellphone
yes i accidentaly clicked on history of OB and yeah people can make mistakes like me but it dosnt mean that im retarded and my eyes are 20/20
that sucks mikkel have u tried the disk defragment
so r u getting on today
there should be a automatic top 10 it would make OB alot better
hmm i had my comeback in august
same here i was in P4P with goldenboy, he trained me during the P4P v.s. SDK war

Thank you
wow who would just do that
lmao get on both of them golden
Ray Johnson wrote:
goldenboy88 wrote:atta boy ray, Who the hell went back a year in time to find this anyways?

this post was made in 07 but he made a message saying he got 1000 losses which he got that in late september of 08
Forum Index » Profile for johnbludger » Messages posted by johnbludger
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