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Messages posted by: johnbludger
Forum Index » Profile for johnbludger » Messages posted by johnbludger
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i believe that red viper should be 3rd because u cant assume that goldenboy is better than red over one fight
i think its how people respect you
im on the fight card-i didnt know that and its against captain
el capillo wrote:
johnbludger wrote: is this right
me and african assassin was fighting to 10 rounds im winning 6-4 and the 10th round ends
then it says that he won now i dont see how he won when im winning
well thats the problem who is winning is in the eyes of the beholder if you land a nice left hook and a decent right hand and have them hurt but they cover up and outbox you in the roudn then the scores will be all over the place.

sometimes ive been in real real real close fights with jabs feeling like the deciders in rounds. just to find out i hadnt lost a round and vica versa to be honest. even tho it seemed very even

i remember there was a guy about 2 years ago on here giving a formula of about 3 jabs to every power shot 1.4 of these shots should be body punches (or somthing like that) gives you precise formula to out outscoring your opponant .
thats weird but interesting
can i join still
u were the one that trained me during the P4P and SDK event and you helped me become a good fighter. thanks lot and take care
Ray Johnson wrote:
johnbludger wrote:
Ray Johnson wrote:
johnbludger wrote:look whose talking

Look who's typing.

Fortunately, gay statements like that don't make sense.

Golden, I can't start anything with you cause you don't piss me off lol. You're just too normal.

how is that gay? im confused

It's gay because it's generally used by those camp guys who make that kind of incredibly bad attempt at a retaliation.

Next, you're going to say "It takes one to know one!" or "Talk to the hand" or something dumb like that.
I wasnt going to say that
i started playing OB in the begining of school
Ray Johnson wrote:
johnbludger wrote:look whose talking

Look who's typing.

Fortunately, gay statements like that don't make sense.

Golden, I can't start anything with you cause you don't piss me off lol. You're just too normal.

how is that gay? im confused
i look forward to my next fight
ah .....i see
who r u then
Ray Johnson wrote:
johnbludger wrote:ray u like to start shit dont you

Only with oblivious idiots like you..

look whose talking
u would have won anyways
ray u like to start shit dont you
Forum Index » Profile for johnbludger » Messages posted by johnbludger
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