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Messages posted by: Tigeruppercut
Forum Index » Profile for Tigeruppercut » Messages posted by Tigeruppercut
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sterlihalla wrote:super rocky lol dam i wonder what the rocky series got i should look up there score.

I am one of the few people on the planet who liked rocky and wished it was online. But the comment was more for those who crapped all over fight night and rocky and said this game would be the second coming of Jeebus.

Now they are playing rocky with a new paint job lol.

Prize fighter is just a diffrent game, if you cant cut it in fight night or cant stand it, this game is for you.
Professor wrote:Whats Shanghai Kid's style?

At first I thought Shanghai had no skill. When the game first came out. He would come at you windmilling non stop punches and hed wrestle you. Mikkel has constantly tried to thwart Shanghai's style tweaking the game to favor boxers over brawlers.

Well the last time I fought shanghai, hes still winning and even though he still brawls, He knows how to take your options away from you with good pressure and smart movement. He just marches forward, smacks with with right hands, and wont let you hit him with much.
Here are my impressions of super Rocky...uh...i mean prize fighter lol

I think this is a good game, unfortunately it came out several years too late.

There are some good things about prizefighter I do like. I like how you really have to work to win a round. The fights I have had online, I have really had to fight very strategically to win a round, especially since its impossible to knock someone down. I like the fact the roster has a lot of current boxers and some classics. The venues and being able to fight on 50's black and white TV adds to the atmosphere. To me Prizefighter has a nice presentation better than FightNights. The biggest thing I like is you cant be cheesed out of a win because someone decided to exploit the jab glitch found in fight night. Or the washing machine defense, you know, the one where you whirl on the analog and block the body so you can never be hit.


Controls are a bit dodgy. I find my boxer unintended punches because of the push button layout. Most fighting games you have to time 2 consecutive punches in order to do a combo. this one. If you input consecutive jabs or rights, you will not be able to move until the combo is completed.

Dashing is a bit over exaggerated. if somone wanted to exploit this gaping hole, It would make it very hard to hit them. When you dash away, you can cover almost the entire ring. That will become a problem if someone decided to abuse this.

No extra camera angles. I havnt seen an option for it yet.

not enough defensive options. I like the parry system in Fightnight. Even though people find it cheap, when it is used correctly, it adds a lot more depth in FN than what prize fighter has.

There are many other reasons why I feel FN is a better game, but I can enjoy PrizeFighter for what it is. It is super Rocky if you are familiar with the Rocky series. Ill give it a 7.0 thats being generous.
Unfortunately. That is somewhat true. But even so, the fact is dread is a beast in lag and fast connection. If you had a better computer, he would still knock you out.

Results will be more clear once Mikkel puts records in.
Sorry people, dreads dominance in 3d is real. Ive knocked dread out b4 too. Try to do it 3 or 4 in a row.

In my opinion, 3d's best right now are dread and shanghai kid.
Everyone on Fatnys list i think has won a title. If you havnt won a title, you wont be on the list.
I agree with you. I am very good with the jab and I know the angles you need to make it land. It should be a bit straighter. Mainly because you can land a lot of comboes in this game easily except for the 1-2. I rarely land it.

that combo is very powerful but its just very hard to land in the first stance. The 2nd and third stance actually have straighter jabs.

Triangle, if you primarily use the 1st stance like i do, its very hard to land the jab. But the 2nd stance its a little easier.
everyone knows reaper says and does things that piss people off. There is no need of making a thread everytime he does something. Ive seen worse behavior from others.
I use the hands down style. I think you press D or F. it might be bugged. At any rate.

The first stance(shoulder roll), does not have a lot of power, but it has good defense. Plus the reason my the jab hurts so much is because it comes from below, which will hit the chin hit box. Thats probably why it does so much damage. It sucks when it comes to hooks and its weak against right hands.

The second stance (slugger). Has a lot of power. Jabs are straighter so they will aim for the higher hit boxes that wont do as much damage as the first but still hurts. It has very powerful hooks. Its weak up the middle since the gaurd is open . body shots, and straight punches up the middle are its weakness.

Third Stance (peekabo) not a lot of people use this anymore. I think its bugged. To me it has the best defense since the gaurd is right in front. Its hard for me to land anything on it since I use the shoulder roll stance. Its got good offensive properties. Punches are nice and straight and has good power in hooks and uppercuts.

Each stance can counter the other depending on the situation.

Also If you are having trouble landing punches, you have to pay attention to what angle the punches are traveling and learn to pivot your body using the pivot command.

Im no expert, this is just from my experience.
Professor wrote:Well pretty much landing punches is sucky and hard. I can never land a jab and the only punch I can actually use is the straight right hand..

Proffessor; you need to learn the punch angles and the best distance for each punch to land. Each stances punches shoot at diffrent angles, and it also depends on where you angle your body. I'm not talking down to you, I am just trying to help.

If you ask anyone whos fought me in 3d, I can almost land my punches at anytime, its because I know where to stand and how to line the punches up.
If the jab is nerfed, I hope it keeps some of its power. its very difficult to land. It was pretty much a useless punch in prior versions, and to me, the jab is the most important punch in boxing.

Its funny Im really good at landing jabs and I only hear about nerfing it when I use peoples head like a ping pong ball with it. I would like the jab to stay like it is, but its Mikkels game, if its nerfed for the good of the game, I can live with that. I just hope it doesnt become useless.

Mikkel brutally knocked me out yesterday because he stayed away from my jab and nuetralized it.
The jab is fine. Its very hard to land and keeps the opponent on the outside just as intended. This is not real boxing anyway. if you dont want to get hit by it, Know which angles it can hit you at and avoid them.
I get a blank screen sometimes. I just click around until I find the buttons. They appear when you click on them and go from there. I dont know why I get a blank screen sometimes.
yeah I wasnt too happy about it, but what can you do....
lets keep this at the top so people get the corrent client
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