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Messages posted by: Tigeruppercut
Forum Index » Profile for Tigeruppercut » Messages posted by Tigeruppercut
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Assassin doesn't lag, what he does is pull his opponent into the phantom zone, This gives him extra speed and punch power while his opponent will feel as though his legs are trapped in cement. To the outside observer it looks like lag, but in reality, what you are seeing is a time distortion.
Is that the reason why things arent synced up in the game? My bro and I live together and when we fought each other, on his screen hes says he knocked me out, but on my screen im on my feet fighting him. Some sort of Client Lag?
"You get no second chance Last Ditch effort ROFL punch style"
looks like im having fish for dinner!
on top of that you totally missed rockys point about the top 10. You cant look at H2H. How many times have you beat sugaray,LarryHolmes,Boxa this month and last month. If its more times than me, you can have that top 10 spot with no arguments.

I looked at our head to head for november and you did get the better of me. But everyfighter has an off day. Im not at the top of my game right now but I certainly am better than I was last month.

Like I said if you want a best of 5 the next time we see each other on let me know. come at me and pummel me in the corner if you want, youll eat more right hands and Ill knock you out

by the way, that day I got beat by everybody including those 9 defeats by you? I was just coming out of a bad cold. Im healthy now so there will be no excuses.

I dont know why you have so much hate towards me catfish. None of my wins are fluke.

Honestly I know Im a good fighter, the proof is in my record and the titles that I have won. I was thinking of stepping aside and just letting you have that 10 spot since that means so much to you. But we will do this instead,

We will have a best of 5. winner gets my 10 spot for November. But know this, that slot doesnt define me as a fighter, its just a rank. I know I have the ability to be top ten, it doesnt matter how you feel about it. If you think you are the better boxer, well heres your chance to prove it.

I hold no hatred towards you, and anytime you knock me out, I will never call it a fluke. Dont be mad because I can fight off the ropes and ko people. Its part of my style and I ko people like that all the time.

If I lose our series Ill be a man and step aside and you can have that damn 10 spot if it makes your day. Ill even say catfish is better than tigeruppercut, makes no diffrence to me. If you lose, I dont wanna hear no cryin from you talking about I got lucky cuz you wont hear that come from me ok?
We all know that, and we all know you dont agree with his opinion. At the same time, no one else is taking the time to compile a monthly list. If you want to become Ob's official power ranking judge, go for it. Im sure it will have your name in all 10 slots lol.
Rocky, bring up my h2h vs boxa, then compare that vs the wins he has over top 10 vs mine. I wont look but I bet he has a overall better record. We are probably even h2h with him with an edge.
I think the way rocky is doing the top 10 is fair. I feel he is offering an unbiased insight on the rankings as opposed to the way it has been done in the past. If i had not made this list this time around I would have been upset but, I would try harder next month. Ive been playing OB for 3 yrs, I have won multiple titles vs top players from those eras(HTF, Larry Holmes,Unstoppable), and yet, I have never been in the top 10.

With a record like mine you would think I would have made it in at some point. At any rate, Mr. Reaper, I know you didnt mean anything by it but, there is no reason to even mention my name and say i get owned by everyone. If you feel I dont deserve to be at the very bottom of the top ten then state you case. You are rated ahead of me, so its a mystery why you would say something so silly. If I were ranked ahead of you, and you stated you case, i would agree. I havnt been able to beat you on a consistant bases. So you shouldnt have a problem with my ranking, or even Red Vipers. i mean, Im ranked 10! thats at the bottom. Its ok to voice your opinion but you dont have to disrespect others.

Catfish, I know you and I have had back and forth battles and have butted heads but step back and look at what Rocky is saying. I have been having a good month, I have a wins over some of the top 10 people and managed to get a legit title. I have a streak over legendary Salvador Sanchez, pts win over Larry ( thats no easy task) and a few other quality wins over top 10 people, So I think I deserve that last spot in the top 10.
If I get lazy or dont have many fights this month I will lose that spot.

This goes out to all people who arent in the top ten, If you dont see your name up there, dont complain about it. do something about it like me. Go win some titles or challenge only the top players and get some wins. if you can beat the top ten players on a consistant basis, then you can make a case of having your name up there.

If my name isnt on the list next month, Ill know that I didnt do enough to get up there and ill just have to fight harder the next month. Hope this helps
After being on OB for so long, I am happy to finally be recognized in the top 10. Glad to know that my hard work is paying off. Now, on to the next step of elevating my game. I want to be champ again.
You are my new target! thats right I'm singling you out! I'm sick of losing to you and I'm sick of not being in top 10. SO now, I'm going to decipher your style and beat you on a consistant basis. YOu are standing in my way of my goal. If I can beat you consistantly I will be a better fighter.

You said I act like a little bitch when you beat me? look at my name today, you will see almost 17 straight losses to elite fighters including you. so I have a right to be pissed.

This isnt personal, its just a game after all. BUT take notice! you inspired me to become a beast. Im sick of losing to top 10 people. so As soon as I can play on a consistant basis, you are in trouble! OB take notice too!

I look forward to seeing your Joe frazier style in the ring! im going to counter punch your face in!
Im comfortable leaving it as it is. Every sport has an era, and those that are in the HOF earned the right to be there. I know this is just a game but I dont recall people being kicked out of any sports HOF because if they were around today, they wouldnt be able to compete. At anyrate, the requirements to get into the HOF currently might be tougher because of the level of talent, but I dont think people should be kicked out of the HOF because they cant hang with this generation of fighters.
Mikkel. YOu dont owe anyone anything. you made an awsome game. People need to understand that you arent a millionare and cant devote all your time to OB. people gotta put food on the table.
I am glad you did it, I need a way to practice, the computer in single player just does not test my skills, and I need a way to practice when no one is online. I was thinking, gee I wish single player was this hard! I can really improve with this.

Its just hard to play online consistantly to get better.
Fatny is worthy to go in, I think I have fought enough people and styles to know when I see something special.
Forum Index » Profile for Tigeruppercut » Messages posted by Tigeruppercut
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