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Joined: 19/04/2012 23:41:11
Messages: 15
Location: Heaven

Dam john lol.i never knew you would come back to forums.You dont remember me but i have seen your past fight.Every epic and i enjoy it No Homo.When will you come to online boxing so i can fight you?

Im the King of the world.Ill be the greatest and i want to be the Best fighter in the world.I will fight those you stand against me.

OnlineBoxing will Tremble by my name.

OB Style:Mid-Range Brawler
OB Defensive Style:BRAIN Lean and Side Step
OB Special:BRAIN Uppercut and Short Upper

- 3 time OBF World Champion

Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

Yes a lot of comments are very negative, and I don't react to them. I'll deal with all problems in my own time. Important thing is, i WILL deal with them, and OB2D is not going away.


Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

If someone knows about coding, they are welcome to help me out..



Joined: 17/11/2011 20:54:13
Messages: 8

No john, that person is not me. So a bit of a Fail with that one. Also, no need to keep copying and pasting wot the dude wrote, its a bit of a let down and it shows u to be a bit sad and/or have too much time on ur hands bro. But hey thanks for quoting me. If im honest about wot i wrote, i kinda meant it all, as in, the reason behind me saying it was for good reasons. i kno it was a bit over the top but the reasons behind it all were for mikkel to not let go of ob2d and i was only messin about and if i offended im sorry but i kinda couldnt care less lol, as long as it provoked anyone or him to do the right thing, I had good intentions is all i can say. And as it stands Mikkel IS doing the right thing, in my opinion. Dunno if u noticed his last words..

As for you making quotes and quoting me... well I guess I can do the same for you/to you...

'OB2D is not going away.'. Those are the words of a dude who doesnt give up.

'Yes a lot of comments are very negative, and I don't react to them. I'll deal with all problems in my own time.'

That means dont worry about the negative comments, he will deal with them and You dont have to, so stop bitching moaning whining about them, and going on about them.

And most importantly:
'I know damn well if someone was talking shit to me and im trying to fix my game I would just say fuck off and leave it broke.'

I think that says alot about you.

You just got Oizo'ed.

Joined: 25/07/2011 16:49:39
Messages: 235

johnbludger wrote:And ur saying ur shit-talking is better lolololol? I wouldn't even consider what I said shit-talking im speaking the damn truth and u know it. My words is not meant to hurt u its only meant to show how much of a retard u really are. IDK what your motive is here are u saying shit to make me laugh or what cuz thats all ur doing lol. U say im a brown-noser? Look at what u said in the other threads. "Mikkel, please keep us up to date with that slow-motion problem. I dont want to test it again and again. I dont log on again till you say its fixed. Thank you.

"thank you. I will take a look to the forum every day".

So u say Im a brown-noser? Wtf does that make u?????

I bet your the type of dumb ass that makes random accounts and talks bull shit to mikkel or even others right. Ex: Mr.Oizo or Flat Eric(this thread)

"Mikkel, you're a total let down and waste of space. I Knew you'd let me down and the Whole of the OB community. Stop whining about problems and get on with fixing them."

"Yeeaah Nigga Wooooo Mikkels a Turd"!


"What an Absolute Heap of Shit. Dont think im the only one to think that this is a load of rubbish and total let down.

Fatny - Crawl Out Of Mikkels Arse Please".

From what I see from your so-called "shit talking" and what I see from those random ass accounst thats something that u would say. Pretty much just shut the hell up its for your own good pal. I know damn well if someone was talking shit to me and im trying to fix my game I would just say fuck off and leave it broke. You wanna see a little book go to Yacoob. And my question to you is Who the hell are you?

look at all the shit you wrote again. Again a whole book. You bore me little brown-noser. I got not the time to read your slimy shit all the time. You are a waste of time. I just read the first two sentences and that was enough. No quality in your words. Thats why you are unworthy. HOFer in the ass. Just because no skilled ones were there to kick your brown-nosy-ass, thats all.

James A. Braddock aka john aka Brown-Nosy

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 23/04/2012 22:21:00


Joined: 20/05/2007 12:51:06
Messages: 2299

Titan wrote:
johnbludger wrote:And ur saying ur shit-talking is better lolololol? I wouldn't even consider what I said shit-talking im speaking the damn truth and u know it. My words is not meant to hurt u its only meant to show how much of a retard u really are. IDK what your motive is here are u saying shit to make me laugh or what cuz thats all ur doing lol. U say im a brown-noser? Look at what u said in the other threads. "Mikkel, please keep us up to date with that slow-motion problem. I dont want to test it again and again. I dont log on again till you say its fixed. Thank you.

"thank you. I will take a look to the forum every day".

So u say Im a brown-noser? Wtf does that make u?????

I bet your the type of dumb ass that makes random accounts and talks bull shit to mikkel or even others right. Ex: Mr.Oizo or Flat Eric(this thread)

"Mikkel, you're a total let down and waste of space. I Knew you'd let me down and the Whole of the OB community. Stop whining about problems and get on with fixing them."

"Yeeaah Nigga Wooooo Mikkels a Turd"!


"What an Absolute Heap of Shit. Dont think im the only one to think that this is a load of rubbish and total let down.

Fatny - Crawl Out Of Mikkels Arse Please".

From what I see from your so-called "shit talking" and what I see from those random ass accounst thats something that u would say. Pretty much just shut the hell up its for your own good pal. I know damn well if someone was talking shit to me and im trying to fix my game I would just say fuck off and leave it broke. You wanna see a little book go to Yacoob. And my question to you is Who the hell are you?

look at all the shit you wrote again. Again a whole book. You bore me little brown-noser. I got not the time to read your slimy shit all the time. You are a waste of time. I just read the first two sentences and that was enough. No quality in your words. Thats why you are unworthy. HOFer in the ass. Just because no skilled ones were there to kick your brown-nosy-ass, thats all.

James A. Braddock aka john aka Brown-Nosy

Wow im sorry john but hes got you thier son but its not Johns fault alot of veterans left some people got better things to do or a older then john.

Retirement but may have a few fights
Joined: May 20th 2007
Second greatest ko artist in OB history based on 4k wins.


Joined: 24/08/2008 22:48:05
Messages: 1657
Location: Akron, Ohio

CHAMPIONBRAIN wrote:Dam john lol.i never knew you would come back to forums.You dont remember me but i have seen your past fight.Every epic and i enjoy it No Homo.When will you come to online boxing so i can fight you?

Yeah well I gotta see whats going on around OB you know. Thanks and ill fight you when the servers are good to go.

John Record Wins-5341 Lost-2047 KOs-5203 Draw-35 Title Wins- 183 Title Defenses- 1025
JAB Record Wins- 1240 Loss- 160 KOs- 1197 Draw- 18 Title Wins- 25 Title Defenses- 83
Total Record Wins- 6581 Loss- 2207 KOs- 6400 Draw- 53

OB Style: "The John Style"

OB Status: Active

OB Member Since: May 2007

OB Accounts: john / James A. Braddock

OB Class: Hall of Fame

All-Time Winning Streak: 198

1x Superchamp
4x Undisputed champ
208x OB Champ- 1108 Defenses
23x OBA Champion Defenses- 104
35x OBC Champion Defenses- 139
128x OBF Champion Defenses- 830
10x OBW Champion Defenses- 6
12x Tournament Champion Defenses- 29

The Legend
The Beast
The Machine

"John represents the renaissance of OB. John stepped up and filled the vacuum Fatny left behind. Not only his skills are amazing, also his dedication to keep this game interesting and alive. I was there when he first won the title, I was watching over his shoulder when he bullied all competition, I was there when he became a HOF´er. I may not be a great fighter myself, but I do have eye for talent. John is something special, I told him right after he won his first title. John is the spark that became a flame that turned into a devastating fire. Apart from being a great guy he never stepped down from a challenge and always looked to square off against OB´s best to further improve his skills. Many HOF´ers made short comebacks during the year John reigned OB, only to be knocked out by Big Bad John." - Dick E. Boon

"The thing with John is that he's just so extremely accurate, both in offense and in defense. There's some punches I consider myself a master of, like the small hook and the long upper. Well they're useless against John no matter how well you throw them, he just keeps blocking 90% of them and hurting you in the process. Speaking of which...if he hurts you (and he will), you better move your head a lot because he also happens to be one of the best finishers i've ever seen. Basically if you're not extremely good AND creative, you'll end up on the floor. A fine addition to the hall of fame indeed." - Fatny
[Email] [Yahoo!]


Joined: 24/08/2008 22:48:05
Messages: 1657
Location: Akron, Ohio

Titan wrote:
johnbludger wrote:And ur saying ur shit-talking is better lolololol? I wouldn't even consider what I said shit-talking im speaking the damn truth and u know it. My words is not meant to hurt u its only meant to show how much of a retard u really are. IDK what your motive is here are u saying shit to make me laugh or what cuz thats all ur doing lol. U say im a brown-noser? Look at what u said in the other threads. "Mikkel, please keep us up to date with that slow-motion problem. I dont want to test it again and again. I dont log on again till you say its fixed. Thank you.

"thank you. I will take a look to the forum every day".

So u say Im a brown-noser? Wtf does that make u?????

I bet your the type of dumb ass that makes random accounts and talks bull shit to mikkel or even others right. Ex: Mr.Oizo or Flat Eric(this thread)

"Mikkel, you're a total let down and waste of space. I Knew you'd let me down and the Whole of the OB community. Stop whining about problems and get on with fixing them."

"Yeeaah Nigga Wooooo Mikkels a Turd"!


"What an Absolute Heap of Shit. Dont think im the only one to think that this is a load of rubbish and total let down.

Fatny - Crawl Out Of Mikkels Arse Please".

From what I see from your so-called "shit talking" and what I see from those random ass accounst thats something that u would say. Pretty much just shut the hell up its for your own good pal. I know damn well if someone was talking shit to me and im trying to fix my game I would just say fuck off and leave it broke. You wanna see a little book go to Yacoob. And my question to you is Who the hell are you?

look at all the shit you wrote again. Again a whole book. You bore me little brown-noser. I got not the time to read your slimy shit all the time. You are a waste of time. I just read the first two sentences and that was enough. No quality in your words. Thats why you are unworthy. HOFer in the ass. Just because no skilled ones were there to kick your brown-nosy-ass, thats all.

Titan aka downsyndrome bitch

Whatever man talking to you is talking to a downsyndrome monkey theres just no point.

Yeah it does show what i am Mr. Ozio, someone that won't put up with stupid bullshit like what u told to mikkel.

Reaper ur right I had no control over people wanting to do othershit besides OB. I'm sure I would do just fine if other fighters were still here right now. Hell Id say I would be even better if more skilled fighters still played.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 25/04/2012 12:33:02

John Record Wins-5341 Lost-2047 KOs-5203 Draw-35 Title Wins- 183 Title Defenses- 1025
JAB Record Wins- 1240 Loss- 160 KOs- 1197 Draw- 18 Title Wins- 25 Title Defenses- 83
Total Record Wins- 6581 Loss- 2207 KOs- 6400 Draw- 53

OB Style: "The John Style"

OB Status: Active

OB Member Since: May 2007

OB Accounts: john / James A. Braddock

OB Class: Hall of Fame

All-Time Winning Streak: 198

1x Superchamp
4x Undisputed champ
208x OB Champ- 1108 Defenses
23x OBA Champion Defenses- 104
35x OBC Champion Defenses- 139
128x OBF Champion Defenses- 830
10x OBW Champion Defenses- 6
12x Tournament Champion Defenses- 29

The Legend
The Beast
The Machine

"John represents the renaissance of OB. John stepped up and filled the vacuum Fatny left behind. Not only his skills are amazing, also his dedication to keep this game interesting and alive. I was there when he first won the title, I was watching over his shoulder when he bullied all competition, I was there when he became a HOF´er. I may not be a great fighter myself, but I do have eye for talent. John is something special, I told him right after he won his first title. John is the spark that became a flame that turned into a devastating fire. Apart from being a great guy he never stepped down from a challenge and always looked to square off against OB´s best to further improve his skills. Many HOF´ers made short comebacks during the year John reigned OB, only to be knocked out by Big Bad John." - Dick E. Boon

"The thing with John is that he's just so extremely accurate, both in offense and in defense. There's some punches I consider myself a master of, like the small hook and the long upper. Well they're useless against John no matter how well you throw them, he just keeps blocking 90% of them and hurting you in the process. Speaking of which...if he hurts you (and he will), you better move your head a lot because he also happens to be one of the best finishers i've ever seen. Basically if you're not extremely good AND creative, you'll end up on the floor. A fine addition to the hall of fame indeed." - Fatny
[Email] [Yahoo!]

Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

johnbludger wrote:
CHAMPIONBRAIN wrote:Dam john lol.i never knew you would come back to forums.You dont remember me but i have seen your past fight.Every epic and i enjoy it No Homo.When will you come to online boxing so i can fight you?

Yeah well I gotta see whats going on around OB you know. Thanks and ill fight you when the servers are good to go.

The server has been good to go about three days now


Joined: 25/07/2011 16:49:39
Messages: 235

johnbludger wrote:
Titan wrote:
johnbludger wrote:And ur saying ur shit-talking is better lolololol? I wouldn't even consider what I said shit-talking im speaking the damn truth and u know it. My words is not meant to hurt u its only meant to show how much of a retard u really are. IDK what your motive is here are u saying shit to make me laugh or what cuz thats all ur doing lol. U say im a brown-noser? Look at what u said in the other threads. "Mikkel, please keep us up to date with that slow-motion problem. I dont want to test it again and again. I dont log on again till you say its fixed. Thank you.

"thank you. I will take a look to the forum every day".

So u say Im a brown-noser? Wtf does that make u?????

I bet your the type of dumb ass that makes random accounts and talks bull shit to mikkel or even others right. Ex: Mr.Oizo or Flat Eric(this thread)

"Mikkel, you're a total let down and waste of space. I Knew you'd let me down and the Whole of the OB community. Stop whining about problems and get on with fixing them."

"Yeeaah Nigga Wooooo Mikkels a Turd"!


"What an Absolute Heap of Shit. Dont think im the only one to think that this is a load of rubbish and total let down.

Fatny - Crawl Out Of Mikkels Arse Please".

From what I see from your so-called "shit talking" and what I see from those random ass accounst thats something that u would say. Pretty much just shut the hell up its for your own good pal. I know damn well if someone was talking shit to me and im trying to fix my game I would just say fuck off and leave it broke. You wanna see a little book go to Yacoob. And my question to you is Who the hell are you?

look at all the shit you wrote again. Again a whole book. You bore me little brown-noser. I got not the time to read your slimy shit all the time. You are a waste of time. I just read the first two sentences and that was enough. No quality in your words. Thats why you are unworthy. HOFer in the ass. Just because no skilled ones were there to kick your brown-nosy-ass, thats all.

Titan aka downsyndrome bitch

Whatever man talking to you is talking to a downsyndrome monkey theres just no point.

Yeah it does show what i am Mr. Ozio, someone that won't put up with stupid bullshit like what u told to mikkel.

Reaper ur right I had no control over people wanting to do othershit besides OB. I'm sure I would do just fine if other fighters were still here right now. Hell Id say I would be even better if more skilled fighters still played.

Go play with your dolls
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