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Profile for :: vilmdshaw
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Registration date:  10/12/2020 07:56:05
Number of messages posted:  No posted messages available
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Biography: Dental day surgery Mobile Anaesthesia Services is a General Anaesthesia service for Dental Clinics. Our Mobile Anaesthesia Solution is used for Dental Clinics who wish to provide Sleep Dentistry for patients who might have Dental Phobia / Dental Fear / Dental Anxiety or who need to undergo lengthy procedures such as an All on 4. Our Mobile Anaesthesia Services is an ideal alternative to IV Sedation / Twilight Sedation. The difference between IV Sedation / twilight sedation and General Anaesthetic (GA) is that under GA the patient does not move during the procedure, the mouth/airway is not shared (which means full access to the mouth by the dentist) and as a result, in one session more work can be completed. This service is ideal for phobic patients requiring general dental work such as fillings, root canal, crowns, extractions and deep cleans. Or surgical patients requiring removal of wisdom teeth, full clearance, sinus lifts, bone grafts, implants and All-on-4 procedures.
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