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This game is going downhill  XML
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Joined: 11/06/2007 11:20:09
Messages: 20
Location: Kingsville

how come everytime someone gets a lucky win against me they log off without even so much as a gf never mind a rm the latest person/ scumbag to do this is ANDREAS so i wont be entertaining his challenges again the thing is i had nothing to gain by fighting him but 38 points to lose so i respected his challenge anyway and accepted but the least i could ask for in return is a rm surely maybe i should start my point huggers/duckers list again hey mikkel or donny maybe u could lock this post so i can add names as and when thanks guys


-ANDREAS (congratulations your first on the shit list)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 25/06/2007 16:30:19

Sweet as sugar
Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

FFS! OK there are a lot of people who do this but stop complaining because 100,000 people before you have already done so!!
Larry Holmes


Joined: 29/06/2006 07:52:33
Messages: 328

SugarRayLeonard wrote:how come everytime someone gets a lucky win against me they log off without even so much as a gf never mind a rm the latest person/ scumbag to do this is ANDREAS so i wont be entertaining his challenges again the thing is i had nothing to gain by fighting him but 38 points to lose so i respected his challenge anyway and accepted but the least i could ask for in return is a rm surely maybe i should start my point huggers/duckers list again hey mikkel or donny maybe u could lock this post so i can add names as and when thanks guys


-ANDREAS (congratulations your first on the shit list)

So this game is going downhill because you lost to Andreas and he wouldn't give you a rematch ? ........

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 26/06/2007 07:51:23


Joined: 26/06/2007 15:03:14
Messages: 1

(sorry for my bad bad english first of all)
Well dear sugar:
I accept challenge just from respectful boxer...cos i think respect is first of all
I'm honest and respectful type of boxer------>Learn this thing right now.
You not respect me...easy as you can read. If you talk to me bad (as you did in the past and I remeber)...i don't wanna to accept your challenge no more.

Now you'r downhill challenge is a your problem...find you the soluction of the prob.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 26/06/2007 15:16:01



Joined: 05/01/2007 15:36:43
Messages: 1488

That english was good (y)

+ Chopper the games going downhill? Yet you are owning atm lol, makes no sense to mee.

Oscar De La Hoya 1025 - 842

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