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I Will Get A HOF Spot I Promise  XML
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Joined: 18/11/2011 14:48:45
Messages: 3

I am going to make it into the HOF even if i never win a championship. I am going to just keep on playing untill i get inducted or not. To me championships dont matter just heart and soul will get me there im sure of it. This is a long road ahead but at the end of it all i will get there.

the rocket


Joined: 21/11/2011 07:44:41
Messages: 4

The hall of fame is to remember players that were great. If you want to be in the hall of fame, you have to hold a belt, defeating all challangers, defending that belt... its just the way it is. Keep playing, keep getting better and its possible, I only encourage you to achieve your goal. I just think, and most would agree that without being the best fighter, or one of the best fighters on ob for some period of time You will go unnoticed.
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