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damn good fight  XML
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Joined: 26/02/2007 00:55:20
Messages: 122

this was a pretty damn good fight. went quite a while. but some of you may enjoy watching it

10 obw champ with 6 defences
3 time obc champ with 10 defences
3 time obf champ with 9 defences
1 time tourny champ
2 time oba champ

PDP record: 4-0

edder1234 win ko 5
tkoknockout win ko 2
mikkel kessler win tko 3
African Assassin win tko 7
Hatton the Hitman

Joined: 26/02/2007 15:47:11
Messages: 8

Was very enjoyable, i especially liked the exchange of uppercuts towards the end of the fourth.

After the first few rounds i decided i'd pick my shots, and then come on strong in the later rounds. I did that, but then that happened in the 10th. I was ahead on two scorecards aswell.

Great fight

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