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Gfs Ray  XML
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Joined: 31/05/2006 17:11:31
Messages: 364

sorry i didnt feel like the shot, i cant play more than 3 long fights in row.

i will be gettin that title back tho
Sugar Ray Robinson

Joined: 28/11/2006 14:20:42
Messages: 70

BoXa wrote:sorry i didnt feel like the shot, i cant play more than 3 long fights in row.

i will be gettin that title back tho

Yes GFs, but we both know why you didn't want the rematch after our last fight.

You took me by surprise by KOing me with those nasty body shots the first two fights, and then when I decided to box, you could barely win a round.


Joined: 31/05/2006 17:11:31
Messages: 364

Sugar Ray Robinson wrote:
BoXa wrote:sorry i didnt feel like the shot, i cant play more than 3 long fights in row.

i will be gettin that title back tho

Yes GFs, but we both know why you didn't want the rematch after our last fight.

You took me by surprise by KOing me with those nasty body shots the first two fights, and then when I decided to box, you could barely win a round.

thats a pretty naive thing to say. i said myself i didnt really feel like playing the fight u won, i just dont feel like fighting after a while,it gets tedious,dont have the patience. in fact i guarantee if we fought 10 times after that u would beat me every one of those 10, but if we fought fresh i would give u match (like i did .

also... to further disprove your point ...u know u tried to box all 3 games, and if u didnt in the first u certainly did in the second. i know enough of u ray to know how much that title meant

anway the point of the post was gfs, so gf
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