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Joined: 20/05/2007 12:51:06
Messages: 2299

dirk ur a ass lol u shudnet even be in this convo because ur the opposite of what a hofer should be.
Red viper is alot of hot gas i think hes more annoyed that his style doesnt work anymore because now u can hit people when they duck.
Viper ur a gd figher but thats where it stops because u refuse to adapt ive had to do it like every1 else.
As fatny said hofer shudnet be thrown around and i agree numbers are meaningless.

Retirement but may have a few fights
Joined: May 20th 2007
Second greatest ko artist in OB history based on 4k wins.
Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Red Viper wrote:Mentally Challenged huh??? I am not mentally challenged. How come I am in college huh. You think I am stupid. Your like some of these fucking idiots that I dealt with on this site. Scared, afraid, jealous, pathetic, weak and ungrateful. I dealt a bunch of punks like you in real life. If I tell you that I am not mentally challenged, you will refuse to believe me. Why, becuase your a lowlife. You will never be good as me you stupid SOB. Even with your "stupid ray johson defense", I tore you into pieces in the ring. You have no room to talk about me and the HOF because you suck badly. You think I am shit huh, your much worse.

1 - If you're mentally challenged, I don't think you would be to quick to admit it. I feel sorry for you though..
2 - What does you being better then me have to do with you being mentally challenged? I never said you were shit, you're a great fighter and I admire your skills but I DON'T respect you, sorry. All you've really managed to accomplish is being 'pretty good' after 5 years - not much.

Red Viper wrote:Do me a favor and get the f off this board because you have done abosolutely nothing in this game except waste mine and other's people time and day.

I'm sorry I wasted 2 seconds of OB'ers time, and apparently your entire day.

Red Viper wrote:Regardless of how good your defence was, your a bust, plain and simple and that is the bottom line. If your good as me or better than me your allowed to express your opinion but no your not, so you can't, so keep your god dam mouth shut, because you can't keep mine.

I am goint to post my head to head results against you and show everyone that I literally own your ass.

I suppose your OB skills make up for your lack of intelligence? NO, it doesn't work that way. You might be better than me in the ring, but I am much smarter. Which do you think, intelligence or OB2D skills, will help win in an argument?

P.S "I literally own your ass."?? I fucking hope not, rapist.
Larry Holmes


Joined: 29/06/2006 07:52:33
Messages: 328

I must say, RV has a very unique style. He is the only one to make me feel in constant danger. I think he is the most devastating puncher in OB because of his accuracy with hard punches. Recently he kmtfo couple of times, and my Ws was all hard fought decisions that left me totally drained.
Against Fatny i just get slowly disectect, and I can almost predict that ok ill be koed in 3 rounds from now, but against rv it can happen every second.
I'd say he has the skills to become HOF with just a minor mod of style (ehm, stamina ?) but he hasnt accomplished quite the same as the other hofers yet..but no doubt with the right approach to the game he could become hof.
Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Redneck wrote:whats the goal of that ones calling Red Viper "mentally...."? Maybe he is not that agressive with his answers to some attacks. But that does not say anything about his iq. You want him to retire from OB? I would miss this guy always accepting challenges.
And the ones with real iq dont point with the fingers to ppl shouting "you are mentally challenged"....
think about that....and the goal of OB is to live in peace with loyal members and constant players.

(wtf? this words are really from the badass of OB? Shit...i got to work on my evil image again...)

Lol, it's not a random accusation. I asked, "are you mentally challenged?" and he replied "not anymore".. then he posted all this stuff on OB, leading me to conclude that he thinks his overcome his disability Let's get this straight though, I don't want him to retire because
1 - he's a laugh
2 - he's a good player

But don't be such a hypocrite Redneck - "the goal is to live in peace"? Says the one who spammed that he would be 'remembered' because of all the negative attension.
Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Redneck wrote:well Ray....maybe something enlightened me? lmao...not really. You sick bastardson of a gangbanged sidewalk-whore (j.k. man, j.k.)


I am the Queen Bee.


Joined: 24/08/2008 22:48:05
Messages: 1657
Location: Akron, Ohio

Red Viper wrote:
CaptainAmerica wrote:sorry red but ok you have complete dominace over ray but Fat is right when he was going to be inducted I WAS THE ONE THAT POSTED IT TO MIKKEL SAYING WHEN ARE YOU UPDATING THE HOF CAUSE FATNY NEEDS TO BE IN IT but that just it others have to be on your dick/jock/nuts ect. but the title of HOF comes with the praise from others and the good fighters, not the average player like john/me/paul and redneck and a thousands other dont matter. when vargas nigel sal larry and fat say that you should be for who knows what reason than thats when you have the credit and you have the swagger to argue with anyone who says other wise. cause you have some of the top OB fighters ever to play say that you should be in. But i agree with not only sal or fat but all the others that have said that you should be in yet its just not the time like mich said only time will tell when you become what you suppose to be.

PS. Fat ima steal the Note. thingy form you thanks
And i know im not the smartest person in OB but iknow somewhere i used improper english.

Now I know what you are talking about to be in the hall of fame but like I said Ricky Hatton is the person that I got to worry about right this minute because he is the only person that is blocking my way to dominate the titles. I don't know how John beat this guy but this guy is impossible to beat right now. I was very close of being undisputed champion but I got ripped off because of a freeze. Reason why I posted my head to head scores agaisnt Ray was because I was proiving a point to that imbecile, that thinks I am crap. That will be a miracle if the best fighters in this game will ever praise me.

I agree with Fatny was saying but he forgot ONE thing is that is not my behavior that frustrates people, its my style that pisses people off. I am not going to change my style to please the public, I will do a stlye that pleases me. Like for example, people like Yacoob, Ray Johnson, USA, Spamming Punches, and other garbage refused to give me credit because of the way I fight. But I tare them to pieces and told them to shove it up in their asses to prove them wrong thats what i exactly what I did. Thats why I been overlooked all those years.

Now my next mission is to overthrow Ricky Hatton and to become at least undisputed champ or super champ. He did beat me for my title but I am going to try to take his titles.

58 time Onlineboxing Champion
118 title defences
19- OBC
14- OBW
10- OBA
4- SA
8- OBF
2- NA
1- Tournament
1- PDP
Greatest KO Artist In OB History
Greatest Slugger in OB History
The Yacoob Killer
OB Name- Red Viper

i fought him yesterday, it was a great fight and i almost won at the end but I failed. Hes not impossible to beat. i got 5kds on him

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 10/01/2009 23:40:30

John Record Wins-5341 Lost-2047 KOs-5203 Draw-35 Title Wins- 183 Title Defenses- 1025
JAB Record Wins- 1240 Loss- 160 KOs- 1197 Draw- 18 Title Wins- 25 Title Defenses- 83
Total Record Wins- 6581 Loss- 2207 KOs- 6400 Draw- 53

OB Style: "The John Style"

OB Status: Active

OB Member Since: May 2007

OB Accounts: john / James A. Braddock

OB Class: Hall of Fame

All-Time Winning Streak: 198

1x Superchamp
4x Undisputed champ
208x OB Champ- 1108 Defenses
23x OBA Champion Defenses- 104
35x OBC Champion Defenses- 139
128x OBF Champion Defenses- 830
10x OBW Champion Defenses- 6
12x Tournament Champion Defenses- 29

The Legend
The Beast
The Machine

"John represents the renaissance of OB. John stepped up and filled the vacuum Fatny left behind. Not only his skills are amazing, also his dedication to keep this game interesting and alive. I was there when he first won the title, I was watching over his shoulder when he bullied all competition, I was there when he became a HOF´er. I may not be a great fighter myself, but I do have eye for talent. John is something special, I told him right after he won his first title. John is the spark that became a flame that turned into a devastating fire. Apart from being a great guy he never stepped down from a challenge and always looked to square off against OB´s best to further improve his skills. Many HOF´ers made short comebacks during the year John reigned OB, only to be knocked out by Big Bad John." - Dick E. Boon

"The thing with John is that he's just so extremely accurate, both in offense and in defense. There's some punches I consider myself a master of, like the small hook and the long upper. Well they're useless against John no matter how well you throw them, he just keeps blocking 90% of them and hurting you in the process. Speaking of which...if he hurts you (and he will), you better move your head a lot because he also happens to be one of the best finishers i've ever seen. Basically if you're not extremely good AND creative, you'll end up on the floor. A fine addition to the hall of fame indeed." - Fatny
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Joined: 24/08/2008 22:48:05
Messages: 1657
Location: Akron, Ohio

Larry Holmes wrote:I must say, RV has a very unique style. He is the only one to make me feel in constant danger. I think he is the most devastating puncher in OB because of his accuracy with hard punches. Recently he kmtfo couple of times, and my Ws was all hard fought decisions that left me totally drained.
Against Fatny i just get slowly disectect, and I can almost predict that ok ill be koed in 3 rounds from now, but against rv it can happen every second.
I'd say he has the skills to become HOF with just a minor mod of style (ehm, stamina ?) but he hasnt accomplished quite the same as the other hofers yet..but no doubt with the right approach to the game he could become hof.

I agree 100%

John Record Wins-5341 Lost-2047 KOs-5203 Draw-35 Title Wins- 183 Title Defenses- 1025
JAB Record Wins- 1240 Loss- 160 KOs- 1197 Draw- 18 Title Wins- 25 Title Defenses- 83
Total Record Wins- 6581 Loss- 2207 KOs- 6400 Draw- 53

OB Style: "The John Style"

OB Status: Active

OB Member Since: May 2007

OB Accounts: john / James A. Braddock

OB Class: Hall of Fame

All-Time Winning Streak: 198

1x Superchamp
4x Undisputed champ
208x OB Champ- 1108 Defenses
23x OBA Champion Defenses- 104
35x OBC Champion Defenses- 139
128x OBF Champion Defenses- 830
10x OBW Champion Defenses- 6
12x Tournament Champion Defenses- 29

The Legend
The Beast
The Machine

"John represents the renaissance of OB. John stepped up and filled the vacuum Fatny left behind. Not only his skills are amazing, also his dedication to keep this game interesting and alive. I was there when he first won the title, I was watching over his shoulder when he bullied all competition, I was there when he became a HOF´er. I may not be a great fighter myself, but I do have eye for talent. John is something special, I told him right after he won his first title. John is the spark that became a flame that turned into a devastating fire. Apart from being a great guy he never stepped down from a challenge and always looked to square off against OB´s best to further improve his skills. Many HOF´ers made short comebacks during the year John reigned OB, only to be knocked out by Big Bad John." - Dick E. Boon

"The thing with John is that he's just so extremely accurate, both in offense and in defense. There's some punches I consider myself a master of, like the small hook and the long upper. Well they're useless against John no matter how well you throw them, he just keeps blocking 90% of them and hurting you in the process. Speaking of which...if he hurts you (and he will), you better move your head a lot because he also happens to be one of the best finishers i've ever seen. Basically if you're not extremely good AND creative, you'll end up on the floor. A fine addition to the hall of fame indeed." - Fatny
[Email] [Yahoo!]
Red Viper


Joined: 19/04/2006 14:08:34
Messages: 603

Ray Johnson wrote:
Red Viper wrote:Mentally Challenged huh??? I am not mentally challenged. How come I am in college huh. You think I am stupid. Your like some of these fucking idiots that I dealt with on this site. Scared, afraid, jealous, pathetic, weak and ungrateful. I dealt a bunch of punks like you in real life. If I tell you that I am not mentally challenged, you will refuse to believe me. Why, becuase your a lowlife. You will never be good as me you stupid SOB. Even with your "stupid ray johson defense", I tore you into pieces in the ring. You have no room to talk about me and the HOF because you suck badly. You think I am shit huh, your much worse.

1 - If you're mentally challenged, I don't think you would be to quick to admit it. I feel sorry for you though..
2 - What does you being better then me have to do with you being mentally challenged? I never said you were shit, you're a great fighter and I admire your skills but I DON'T respect you, sorry. All you've really managed to accomplish is being 'pretty good' after 5 years - not much.

Red Viper wrote:Do me a favor and get the f off this board because you have done abosolutely nothing in this game except waste mine and other's people time and day.

I'm sorry I wasted 2 seconds of OB'ers time, and apparently your entire day.

Red Viper wrote:Regardless of how good your defence was, your a bust, plain and simple and that is the bottom line. If your good as me or better than me your allowed to express your opinion but no your not, so you can't, so keep your god dam mouth shut, because you can't keep mine.

I am goint to post my head to head results against you and show everyone that I literally own your ass.

I suppose your OB skills make up for your lack of intelligence? NO, it doesn't work that way. You might be better than me in the ring, but I am much smarter. Which do you think, intelligence or OB2D skills, will help win in an argument?

P.S "I literally own your ass."?? I fucking hope not, rapist.

No I am not a rapist, I am just proving a point. Probably both intelligence and OB Skills might help to me win this argument. If your smarter, than what is your GPA? My GPA is a 3.2 which is a close to a B+ average, and yes I am in college which is a lot harder than high school. If your smarter than you have to beat that. I accpomplished a lot of things in this game and in real life as well.
60 time Onlineboxing Champion
118 title defences in all
19- OBC
14- OBW
10- OBA
4- SA
8- OBF
2- NA
1- Tournament
1- PDP
Greatest KO Artist In OB History
Greatest Slugger in OB History
The most hardworking fighter in OB
The Yacoob Killer
OB Name- Red Viper

Active as of right now

Was one of the minority that broke Rocky Marciano's defense in half.

Won a title by KO'ing the opponent with only Uppercuts

The Greatest KO Artist in OB History

120x Online Boxing World Champion

More than 270 defenses.

Multiple time undisputed champion

Real close of becoming superchamp

I am the punishment of God…
If you had not committed great sins,
God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you- Genghis Khan

Respect yourself and others will respect you- Confucius
To see what is right, and not to do it, is want of courage or of principle- Confucius

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Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Red Viper wrote:
Ray Johnson wrote:
Red Viper wrote:Mentally Challenged huh??? I am not mentally challenged. How come I am in college huh. You think I am stupid. Your like some of these fucking idiots that I dealt with on this site. Scared, afraid, jealous, pathetic, weak and ungrateful. I dealt a bunch of punks like you in real life. If I tell you that I am not mentally challenged, you will refuse to believe me. Why, becuase your a lowlife. You will never be good as me you stupid SOB. Even with your "stupid ray johson defense", I tore you into pieces in the ring. You have no room to talk about me and the HOF because you suck badly. You think I am shit huh, your much worse.

1 - If you're mentally challenged, I don't think you would be to quick to admit it. I feel sorry for you though..
2 - What does you being better then me have to do with you being mentally challenged? I never said you were shit, you're a great fighter and I admire your skills but I DON'T respect you, sorry. All you've really managed to accomplish is being 'pretty good' after 5 years - not much.

Red Viper wrote:Do me a favor and get the f off this board because you have done abosolutely nothing in this game except waste mine and other's people time and day.

I'm sorry I wasted 2 seconds of OB'ers time, and apparently your entire day.

Red Viper wrote:Regardless of how good your defence was, your a bust, plain and simple and that is the bottom line. If your good as me or better than me your allowed to express your opinion but no your not, so you can't, so keep your god dam mouth shut, because you can't keep mine.

I am goint to post my head to head results against you and show everyone that I literally own your ass.

I suppose your OB skills make up for your lack of intelligence? NO, it doesn't work that way. You might be better than me in the ring, but I am much smarter. Which do you think, intelligence or OB2D skills, will help win in an argument?

P.S "I literally own your ass."?? I fucking hope not, rapist.

No I am not a rapist, I am just proving a point. Probably both intelligence and OB Skills might help to me win this argument. If your smarter, than what is your GPA? My GPA is a 3.2 which is a close to a B+ average, and yes I am in college which is a lot harder than high school. If your smarter than you have to beat that. I accpomplished a lot of things in this game and in real life as well.

I advise you to take <insert however long it takes for you to forget about OB here> off the game, then come back and read all your posts. If you really are smart, you'll think that you were a total fucking idiot. You talk about OB like it matters. You demand respect from people and actually expect it! Everyone saying how good you are does not even slightly please you. You aren't a god, get over yourself man.

When you're done telling people about how good you are in OB, maybe you'll realise that being good at an online 2D game isn't significant at all and it definately won't help you win any arguments - especially if that argument is about how smart you are!!


Joined: 19/04/2006 11:00:44
Messages: 1394
Location: Buffalo,NY



Title History
42xOB Champ



Joined: 24/08/2008 22:48:05
Messages: 1657
Location: Akron, Ohio

yes delete this thread

John Record Wins-5341 Lost-2047 KOs-5203 Draw-35 Title Wins- 183 Title Defenses- 1025
JAB Record Wins- 1240 Loss- 160 KOs- 1197 Draw- 18 Title Wins- 25 Title Defenses- 83
Total Record Wins- 6581 Loss- 2207 KOs- 6400 Draw- 53

OB Style: "The John Style"

OB Status: Active

OB Member Since: May 2007

OB Accounts: john / James A. Braddock

OB Class: Hall of Fame

All-Time Winning Streak: 198

1x Superchamp
4x Undisputed champ
208x OB Champ- 1108 Defenses
23x OBA Champion Defenses- 104
35x OBC Champion Defenses- 139
128x OBF Champion Defenses- 830
10x OBW Champion Defenses- 6
12x Tournament Champion Defenses- 29

The Legend
The Beast
The Machine

"John represents the renaissance of OB. John stepped up and filled the vacuum Fatny left behind. Not only his skills are amazing, also his dedication to keep this game interesting and alive. I was there when he first won the title, I was watching over his shoulder when he bullied all competition, I was there when he became a HOF´er. I may not be a great fighter myself, but I do have eye for talent. John is something special, I told him right after he won his first title. John is the spark that became a flame that turned into a devastating fire. Apart from being a great guy he never stepped down from a challenge and always looked to square off against OB´s best to further improve his skills. Many HOF´ers made short comebacks during the year John reigned OB, only to be knocked out by Big Bad John." - Dick E. Boon

"The thing with John is that he's just so extremely accurate, both in offense and in defense. There's some punches I consider myself a master of, like the small hook and the long upper. Well they're useless against John no matter how well you throw them, he just keeps blocking 90% of them and hurting you in the process. Speaking of which...if he hurts you (and he will), you better move your head a lot because he also happens to be one of the best finishers i've ever seen. Basically if you're not extremely good AND creative, you'll end up on the floor. A fine addition to the hall of fame indeed." - Fatny
[Email] [Yahoo!]
B a r r a c k O b a m a


Joined: 11/01/2009 22:23:14
Messages: 13
Location: The Smackdown Hotel

johnbludger wrote:yes delete this thread

Na zeep his hread runing, zo thy yo kep maing un fol ou o yurself.
Barrack Obama AKA Salvador-Sanchez

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 11/01/2009 22:35:55



Joined: 24/08/2008 22:48:05
Messages: 1657
Location: Akron, Ohio

B a r r a c k O b a m a wrote:
johnbludger wrote:yes delete this thread

Na zeep his hread runing, zo thy yo kep maing un fol ou o yurself.
Barrack Obama AKA Salvador-Sanchez

?????????????wtf learn proper english

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 11/01/2009 23:14:30

John Record Wins-5341 Lost-2047 KOs-5203 Draw-35 Title Wins- 183 Title Defenses- 1025
JAB Record Wins- 1240 Loss- 160 KOs- 1197 Draw- 18 Title Wins- 25 Title Defenses- 83
Total Record Wins- 6581 Loss- 2207 KOs- 6400 Draw- 53

OB Style: "The John Style"

OB Status: Active

OB Member Since: May 2007

OB Accounts: john / James A. Braddock

OB Class: Hall of Fame

All-Time Winning Streak: 198

1x Superchamp
4x Undisputed champ
208x OB Champ- 1108 Defenses
23x OBA Champion Defenses- 104
35x OBC Champion Defenses- 139
128x OBF Champion Defenses- 830
10x OBW Champion Defenses- 6
12x Tournament Champion Defenses- 29

The Legend
The Beast
The Machine

"John represents the renaissance of OB. John stepped up and filled the vacuum Fatny left behind. Not only his skills are amazing, also his dedication to keep this game interesting and alive. I was there when he first won the title, I was watching over his shoulder when he bullied all competition, I was there when he became a HOF´er. I may not be a great fighter myself, but I do have eye for talent. John is something special, I told him right after he won his first title. John is the spark that became a flame that turned into a devastating fire. Apart from being a great guy he never stepped down from a challenge and always looked to square off against OB´s best to further improve his skills. Many HOF´ers made short comebacks during the year John reigned OB, only to be knocked out by Big Bad John." - Dick E. Boon

"The thing with John is that he's just so extremely accurate, both in offense and in defense. There's some punches I consider myself a master of, like the small hook and the long upper. Well they're useless against John no matter how well you throw them, he just keeps blocking 90% of them and hurting you in the process. Speaking of which...if he hurts you (and he will), you better move your head a lot because he also happens to be one of the best finishers i've ever seen. Basically if you're not extremely good AND creative, you'll end up on the floor. A fine addition to the hall of fame indeed." - Fatny
[Email] [Yahoo!]


Joined: 20/04/2006 19:48:23
Messages: 489
Location: Danbury, CT

I like oatmeal cookies.

RECORD: 3761-1464-101 (3157 KOS)
EXPERIENCE = Throwing body jabs since 2003
STATUS = Officially Retired (2014)
TOUGHEST OPPOSITION: Larry Holmes, Sugarray, Here To Fight, Salvador-Sanchez/El Terrible Morales, Labratory, Mike Tyson, M.A.Barrera
FIGHTINGSTYLE = Defensive Counter Puncher
SIGNATURE COMBO = Lean back jab->long uppercut
OB CLASS = Maybe one day second ballot HOF'er

aim icon


Joined: 24/08/2008 22:48:05
Messages: 1657
Location: Akron, Ohio

Tyrant wrote:I like oatmeal cookies.


John Record Wins-5341 Lost-2047 KOs-5203 Draw-35 Title Wins- 183 Title Defenses- 1025
JAB Record Wins- 1240 Loss- 160 KOs- 1197 Draw- 18 Title Wins- 25 Title Defenses- 83
Total Record Wins- 6581 Loss- 2207 KOs- 6400 Draw- 53

OB Style: "The John Style"

OB Status: Active

OB Member Since: May 2007

OB Accounts: john / James A. Braddock

OB Class: Hall of Fame

All-Time Winning Streak: 198

1x Superchamp
4x Undisputed champ
208x OB Champ- 1108 Defenses
23x OBA Champion Defenses- 104
35x OBC Champion Defenses- 139
128x OBF Champion Defenses- 830
10x OBW Champion Defenses- 6
12x Tournament Champion Defenses- 29

The Legend
The Beast
The Machine

"John represents the renaissance of OB. John stepped up and filled the vacuum Fatny left behind. Not only his skills are amazing, also his dedication to keep this game interesting and alive. I was there when he first won the title, I was watching over his shoulder when he bullied all competition, I was there when he became a HOF´er. I may not be a great fighter myself, but I do have eye for talent. John is something special, I told him right after he won his first title. John is the spark that became a flame that turned into a devastating fire. Apart from being a great guy he never stepped down from a challenge and always looked to square off against OB´s best to further improve his skills. Many HOF´ers made short comebacks during the year John reigned OB, only to be knocked out by Big Bad John." - Dick E. Boon

"The thing with John is that he's just so extremely accurate, both in offense and in defense. There's some punches I consider myself a master of, like the small hook and the long upper. Well they're useless against John no matter how well you throw them, he just keeps blocking 90% of them and hurting you in the process. Speaking of which...if he hurts you (and he will), you better move your head a lot because he also happens to be one of the best finishers i've ever seen. Basically if you're not extremely good AND creative, you'll end up on the floor. A fine addition to the hall of fame indeed." - Fatny
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