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to TRPCHE pls tell truth just to clear stuff up  XML
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Joined: 02/08/2007 22:51:58
Messages: 86

look this guy Witerfist is giving you a badname barrtack called u a ducker and stuff so its not you right??
i know for a fact its redneck trpche im right right?
this is wat he says..
Winterfist> i am trpche
plus i know u dont disrespect peopole trpche like redneck
dder1234> are u really gay?
Winterfist> no
* NeverLose TKO�ed Winterfist in 3
NeverLose> gf
Winterfist> gf
NeverLose> blargh i expected more from trepeche
Winterfist> thats why i am fighting on this name at the moment.
NeverLose> when did you make that alt
Winterfist> last week.
edder1234> nO!
edder1234> its not trpche!!
NeverLose> well who is it
edder1234> its redneck
Winterfist> edder. stop now.
NeverLose> is that his alt or mine
Winterfist> edder is on drugs or something.
edder1234> winterfist=redneck
Winterfist> ask reverend and dion.

OB Names:edder1234
Ob Style:agressive/right hands/hooks.


Joined: 30/01/2007 01:38:10
Messages: 953

thats probably the most confusing and pointless thing you have ever posted

Joined: 20/08/2008 17:20:52
Messages: 19

It is not me


Joined: 02/08/2007 22:51:58
Messages: 86


OB Names:edder1234
Ob Style:agressive/right hands/hooks.

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