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3D Problem: Newbies Can't See Controls  XML
Forum Index » Technical issues
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Triangle Man


Joined: 07/06/2008 00:31:42
Messages: 98

The heavy bag crashes the game when you select it now, and since that's the only option to choose, people can't go in to hit ESC to go to the controls menu that shows all of the controls.

We had a new guy come in last night who wound up not playing and leaving because he had no idea what they were, but I talked him into coming back and told him about the game and said I'd mention it here so hopefully you can fix it asap!

It would suck to see new people leave because they have no idea what the controls are and they get frustrated and leave The 3D community is small enough as it is already

[EDIT]: Also, you really gotta fix the left throw glitch when you get some time. The way it is now you have to drop your guard to throw a left, where-as a right punch you can still stay blocked with your other hand like you should. It's a huge hinderance on the gameplay

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 06/09/2008 03:59:52

"The difference between bravery and stupidity is success."
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