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Eddie aka edder has now introduced a new glitch to ob  XML
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Rocky Marciano

Joined: 19/03/2007 18:04:56
Messages: 698

Reaper this is the last time I am going to say this: I had nothing to do with anyone using any glitch to KO you. Either you have some issues with reading comprehension or you watch too much movies.

What I personally did was beat you fair and square taking your title but then again that is hardly surprising as I used to beat you easy (remember the time I KOed you 16 times in a row) and I still beat you. Frankly said and no offence meant, it was not specially hard to beat you or anything so from my perspective nothing has really changed. There are other fighters that give me much harder time than you do. Here is a free tip though: Next time don't spam like crazy trying to get points when you are getting outboxed.

It has been a while I boxed you as almost six months ago I decided not to play this game with you. Between that and this time you won couple of titles and started talking way big so I became curious if you have really reached the next level and decided to check it myself. Well apparently not a lot has changed between you and me. I still beat you. End of story.

From now on I will just continue ignoring you as it really seems nothing has changed. I still beat you. If you lose you whine and make endless excuses never giving your opponent any credit whatsoever and if you happen to win you totally diss your opponent so there is just no point in playing this game with you.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 08/07/2008 11:42:01

- OB Accounts: Rocky Marciano plus too many alts

- Join Date: 2007

- Status: Retired for now. Logs on every now and then just to troll.

- OB Class: A+++++ Elite and yes you got it right a FIVE STAR Elite.

- Goals: Been there, seen that, done it all so none other than reaching 1000 fights (on an alt) with above 90% win percentage I have been hunting after ever since joining OB2D.

- Titles won: too many to remember

- Title defenses: too many to remember

- Best win streak 132 wins in a row in total.

- Style: Very technical when needed to. Other than that force ko for the win!

- Signature Punch: The Rocky Marciano combo (now also available without french fries).

- Signature Taunt: Letting opponent recover back to full healt before KOing him for good.

- Weakness: Fatny, the king of OB2D

- Career highlights: Been there and done it all but yes there is one little thing that rises above all titles and such: making Reaper quit after I tkoed him 16 times in a row all inside first two rounds. We were supposed to box 100 times

- Quotes: "I just TKoed you 16 times in a row Reaper. What's the matter? Can not make is past first two rounds? Did I make you quit? Why so silent all of sudden? Oh I just made you STFU "

- Stupid nickname given by other players: Mini Fatny.

- Words of wisdom: Styles make fights. Sometimes even HOF caliber fighters lose to inferior boxers due to this fact. Everyone has their rythm and once you get inside that rythm, you will make life hell for that person (in the ring).

- PS. All signatures are stupid.
Fernando Vargas

Joined: 29/05/2006 14:05:42
Messages: 128
Location: CHI-TOWN

Well i see that Reaper is at it again, look Reap just stop figuring out whos a legit champ or not, because if my mind serves me right U and Profs cheated me out of a belt in wich u got banned, so there is no room for u to judge anyone here bro.

All I'm trying to say is lets stop arguing about insignificant things and lets just enjoy the game, no matter whos champ..


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 08/07/2008 11:54:49

Viva Mexico CABRONES!!!
Triangle Man


Joined: 07/06/2008 00:31:42
Messages: 98

Fernando Vargas wrote:
All I'm trying to say is lets stop arguing about insignificant things and lets just enjoy the game, no matter whos champ..


Cheating and ruining the entire goal of boxing (long-term), and crushing the spirit of boxing and the game, and competition in general is an "insignificant thing"? Seems monumentally significant to me, idk, maybe I'm the only one.

And yes, they could all get along, if people didn't glitch/pad wins and belts and titles. Again, blame the *action* not the *reaction*. No cheat/glitch/stat-pad, no bitching about it and it's degredation to the game. Simple.

Gotta give respect to get it.

And I'm speaking from the viewpoint and perspective of someone who doesn't even play 2D, so my emotions about any wins/losses/titles doesn't get in the way of what I'm saying since I don't even play it (so it doesn't pertain to me). I can just see by common sense that it's extremely damaging to the game overall if that's what was really taking place (and I assume it is since Catfish admitted it).

[EDIT]: I'm still just, appauled at the mentality here. So you're going to lay down and roll over on your back in the fetal position, and let someone come in and rape and destroy and ruin a game you love and glitch the game for titles, pissing all over it and the spirit OF it, all because you're scared an argument will ensue, and you want people to "smile, and get along, and be happy under beaming bright rainbows that magically rain gumdrops", even though the offending parties are purposely shitting and pissing all over you (and anyone that plays the game they're ruining through glitches/pads)?

So you're going to let them do this and not say anything about it, all because you don't wanna see any argument about it, just because seeing confrontation makes you fussy and feel sick in your tummy?

Amazing. Absolutely amazing.

Nobody LIKES arguing, but it's necissary at times, that's just the way it is.

I mean seriously, what's more damaging to the game: an argument, or glitching/cheating? If I'm a newbie coming in, I can handle an argument. I'm not gonna stick around though if I see that all the top guys cheat and that's how they got there. It takes away the whole will to play the game imo.

I just get this mental picture of like, you guys (the peace-at-any-cost seekers I mean) having a toddler, who gets fussy if you try to give her anything but chocolate and sweets.. And so as soon as she starts to make a whiney noise when you bring real food her way, you drop everything and quickly dash to the cabinet and grab fist-fulls of candybars and shove them into the kids mouth while you're bawling, and then when your wife is like, "WTF ARE YOU DOING?!", your response is, "She's getting fussy!! I just can't take the fussiness! Just give her what she wants, get more chocolate, hurry, get the Hershey's Syrup from the fridge!! SHE'S GETTING FUSSY, PLEASE HURRY!! It doesn't matter if she's unhealthy or fat or not eating real food, she's getting FUSSY babe! I don't like fussiness, just give her what she wants! Please! I can't take this, babe!!! More chocolate, fast!! Don't worry about her teeth, or anything like that, we don't want things to become fussy!!"

Idk. That's just what I picture. Sorry for the slight off-topic at the end there, lol.

This message was edited 18 times. Last update was at 08/07/2008 21:40:51

"The difference between bravery and stupidity is success."

Joined: 30/01/2007 01:38:10
Messages: 953

LOL thanks for the therapy session mate
Triangle Man


Joined: 07/06/2008 00:31:42
Messages: 98

Np, that'll be $168, your session goes for 3 more minutes if there's anything you'd like to add

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 09/07/2008 01:23:36

"The difference between bravery and stupidity is success."

Joined: 20/05/2007 12:51:06
Messages: 2299

triangleman made a point and vagras is jus joining the crowd with his bs because he dont like me and i dnt like him because of his constant alts that caused loads of people to start alting too.

Retirement but may have a few fights
Joined: May 20th 2007
Second greatest ko artist in OB history based on 4k wins.


Joined: 18/04/2006 14:22:37
Messages: 907
Location: Manchester , England

Just shut up and get boxing.

Mikkel will deal with this when he gets time I'm sure but unitl then no point in carrying on just go and play the game and have fun.

/** Call this method when you want to play OB.*/
public void playOb() {
while(moreBeers()) {
if(sleepy) {
}else {
ONLINE BOXING NAME = don_king_promotions

menicaha behaniclo

/** Call this method when you are dealing with users.*/
stock HandleUsers()
for ( new i = 0, j = GetUsers(); i < j; i ++
if ( !IsUserConnected( i continue;
switch ( GetUserState( i
case USER_STATE_SPAMMER : RemoveUserPost( i;
case USER_STATE_IDIOT : WarnUser( i;
case USER_STATE_TOUGHGUY : LaughAtUser( i;
default : IgnoreUser( i;
return 1;
Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Triangle has a point, but then again, if he played before reaper came.. let's just say he'd be pissing on reaper himself. Thanks everyone involved


Joined: 26/02/2007 02:43:49
Messages: 595
Location: Canada

Ray Johnson wrote:Triangle has a point, but then again, if he played before reaper came.. let's just say he'd be pissing on reaper himself. Thanks everyone involved

sup little Gay Johnson


OB NAME: catfish

Wins:2707 Losses:1369 Draws:21 KO's:2660
KO RATIO: 64.92%

Titles Won: 12
Defences: 3

Best KO Ratio Based On 2000+ Wins:
1 Nigel Benn 80.26%
2 Mike Tyson 79.96%
3 Fatny 77.78%
4 Black Bear 72.43
5 john/Demonjabber/James A. Braddock 70.51
6 Here To FIght/Newguy 68.93%
7 Unstoppable 68.85%
8 Red Viper 69.78%
9 catfish 64.92% <------Sexiness prevails.
10 Reaper 64.86%

Started playing: November 15th, 2005

i eat little white boys
"i got a fever, and the only prescription, is more cowbell"
"rofl dofl with springles on top" -words of Reaper

Don't ever forget me.

[Email] [MSN]

Joined: 20/05/2007 12:51:06
Messages: 2299

Ray Johnson wrote:Triangle has a point, but then again, if he played before reaper came.. let's just say he'd be pissing on reaper himself. Thanks everyone involved

Lmao what exactly are u tryin to blame me for u loser? lol

Retirement but may have a few fights
Joined: May 20th 2007
Second greatest ko artist in OB history based on 4k wins.

Joined: 01/03/2007 14:35:55
Messages: 844
Location: United States, DC

sterlihalla wrote:triangleman made a point and vagras is jus joining the crowd with his bs because he dont like me and i dnt like him because of his constant alts that caused loads of people to start alting too.

Dude nobody started alting because of vargas. What is your problem with alts anyway?? Your always whining about them.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 09/07/2008 16:19:45

Triangle Man


Joined: 07/06/2008 00:31:42
Messages: 98

1 JIGSAW 1 wrote:What is your problem with alts anyway?? Your always whining about them.

Well, because alts make you lose accountability for your actions (unless you come out and openly say "This is my alt, I'm just switching names"). But well, at the same time, it messes with stats too if stats are kept.

You might have a normal name you normally play everyone on and it has a so-so record, but then make an alt and just beat on newbs and get a 100-1 record and be statistically the best - which is a false representation when you boil it down.

But yeah, with 95% of alts made in any game, they're used used to duck games (someone is on that you know will beat you at the time and you don't wanna get a loss), they're used to avoid accountability (you talked shit and now you don't wanna back it up for fear of losing, or maybe you've said something you wanna take back but don't wanna get flamed for it), and are generally used for being a pussy (for example, I know a guy on NHL2k8 for Xbox360 that confessed to me one night that he has 2 accounts. He talks alot of shit in the lobby, and when someone tells him to step up and play, he leaves the lobby and comes on a little later with his alt. Then he plays the guy on his alt like 10 times to get used to how they play, and loses 8 or 9 of the games. Then once he gets the other guy down a little more, he switches back to his main and says, "Ok I'm here now, let's go!!", and if he winds up winning, he talks shit all week, when in reality he's like 1 for 10 against the guy. Yeah.)

So idk, that probably explains it

"The difference between bravery and stupidity is success."

Joined: 30/01/2007 01:38:10
Messages: 953


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 16/10/2008 07:36:12


Joined: 30/01/2007 01:38:10
Messages: 953


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 16/10/2008 07:35:48


Joined: 01/03/2007 14:35:55
Messages: 844
Location: United States, DC

Yeah triangle your right, alot of people do do that and it sucks, but reaper is ALWAYS whining about it. Just wish he would stop complaining so much.

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