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Triangle Man


Joined: 07/06/2008 00:31:42
Messages: 98

I think the power for the jabs are fine. If you've ever taken a straight right solidly to the chin irl, you'd know it's force believe me, LoL. I've been hurt much more in fights irl by straight jabs to the chin than I have by hooks to the side of the head/face an equal amount of the time. Your jaw kicks back and it makes your whole head and body turn into jello invoulentarily.

Should the left jab be damage reduced? Idk. Maybe for other hitboxes, but the chin is so weak even a stiff left jab will mess you quite a bit if it lands flush. People can talk big and tough and say how solid their jaw is, etc, but scientifically you're just not that strong where your jawbone connects to your skull (comparitively). When you get rocked, left or right hand, in the front of the jaw, it hurts not only the tip where you got smoked, but also that hinge, and pushes it in unnatural ways and weakens the knees just by the natural motion of your body's reaction to rock back to absorb the blow and/or get away.

The only thing I think should be changed about them is that I think the left jab should be a little bit straighter, maybe not even by much. I've found how to make it work, and I've knocked someone out with it at least once (I've only been playing for 3 nights, late at night, so I don't get many matches to begin with), but the motions that it landed almost seem unnatural.

It seems to just swing wayyyy to the left. I know fighters do that in certain situations irl too, but like.. I have to pivot all the way to the right, my body practically facing the stands on the right side, just to land a left jab on someone who must be leaning to their right (my left), whereas in real life, that angle would generally have you punching straight, or possibly slightly left. That of course leaves you wide-open to a smashing right to the face, but that's the risk, heheheh.

Idk, maybe it's just me. Opinions?

"The difference between bravery and stupidity is success."

Joined: 13/09/2006 10:33:31
Messages: 40
Location: Norfolk Va

I agree with you. I am very good with the jab and I know the angles you need to make it land. It should be a bit straighter. Mainly because you can land a lot of comboes in this game easily except for the 1-2. I rarely land it.

that combo is very powerful but its just very hard to land in the first stance. The 2nd and third stance actually have straighter jabs.

Triangle, if you primarily use the 1st stance like i do, its very hard to land the jab. But the 2nd stance its a little easier.

Cruelty is the wrath of my instrument
Triangle Man


Joined: 07/06/2008 00:31:42
Messages: 98

Hmm, maybe I should try changing stances. I thought D was just for switching to southpaw or something, though I thought I remember hitting it by accident the other day but couldn't figure out exactly what it was doing. I'll have to try that, maybe it's a little more accurate in a different stance and that's why. Thanks! I'll try it later and get back to the discussion later and see if it made any difference.

"The difference between bravery and stupidity is success."

Joined: 08/06/2008 17:20:38
Messages: 1

Hi i've been playing ob3d for a week or so, its very fun but not at all user friendly and has some problems which i'm sure are already known.

It would be nice to be able to customise the controls as on a laptop it is difficult to play.

I also think the jab just seems bizzare although i havn't used the other stances much in fact alot of the punches seem a bit too hard to land. That may be me though but i can only really land the straight right and the right hook.
Triangle Man


Joined: 07/06/2008 00:31:42
Messages: 98

I think the jabs are fixed now, thanks! If you even tweaked with em? I might've just found a better way to use left jab idk.

I think I see what he was trying to do. If you're pivoted all the way to the right and lean back a bit, you can kinda fire off the left jab to what seems like your side, like what you see some fighters do irl, especially when trying to kinda inch closer without getting rocked. That probably only works well for that particular stance, but idk, I've got it working for me now when I need it.

The speed and flow of the game has improved tremendously the last week or so, as has the ring-movement (which is huge!), along with the clutching being worlds better. Looks and plays better all the time!

My brother thinks the stamina should go down just a notch, I'm undecided. At firstI thought so too, as it seemed pretty hard to run out, but then I got in kind of a close-quarters brawl for a little bit, and not thinking about it too much, I looked up and realized my bar was now red after a pretty intense flurry exchange, so, eh, it's hard to say. Maybe just a hair down? Bleh. Idk, I'm contradicting my own thoughts here as well as my brother's, so, feel free to add your own LoL.

[EDIT]: The punch sometimes sticking inside of the body until pulled apart again needs to be fixed but I'm sure you already knew that . The short right hook seems to almost punch through the armpit right now (though I think the left is ok?), heheheh. And I think you can still throw normal hooks by letting go of block, but it doesn't always seem to work, sometime it still throws short anyway. Do you have it designed to throw either short or long depending on distance too right now or something? Idk, I'll try an play around with it some more.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 14/06/2008 20:04:20

"The difference between bravery and stupidity is success."
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