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Floyd Mayweather SR. speaks about PBF's plans to do MMA.  XML
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The Legend

Joined: 09/11/2007 14:52:38
Messages: 33


The following are some very entertaining quotes from the always very entertaining Floyd Mayweather Sr., father to current pound for pound boxing king Floyd Mayweather Jr., and a former world champion boxer/trainer himself. These quotes deal with the rumors of his son flirting with the idea of entering into the MMA fighting world. Good stuff as always from Big Floyd.

The quotes come from an interview with

"He needs to leave that shit alone. He's going to get the same fucking thing Vince Phillips got; leg broke, arm broke or whatever. Vince Phillips got his arm broke. You can't mess with that...that's what they do. You can't beat nobody at their own game."

"All of this he talking about right now, this martial arts shit, I'm telling you, he about to get broke the fuck up right now. I'm telling you, he could forget all of that stuff being cute and how you supposed to hit somebody with a check hook. Man, them motherfucker's going to take that check hook motherfucker and squeeze your guts out. I'm just being real with you man."

"If he ever want to take a motherfuckin' loss, you bout to take one right now motherfucker. Go ahead and try that. One of them motherfuckers grab you and bing, bing...hit the floor twice motherfucker and it's over with."

"Lil Floyd about to get his ass tore up man. He ain't about to whoop them motherfuckers. He can forget that shit!"

"Man, let me tell you something, they don't even need a referee for this shit right here. They ain't going to need a referee because he's going to tap his own self out if he's able."

"They going to break his fucking limbs. One of them motherfuckers hit him upside his fucking head and he may never be the same. I'm just telling the truth."

"He ain't got to worry about retiring. When they get through with his ass, he will be retired. He will be retired fucking with them motherfuckers. They would love to fight him. This ain't no fucking boxing; ain't none of these motherfuckers scared of his ass. I'll fight one of them motherfuckers if they just want to throw their guards up. I'm old and I'll beat they ass, but when they start talking about that going to the ground, elbows and knees and all of that, man fuck that shit. I ain't about to go in there. Them motherfuckers dangerous man. One thing about it, them guys can take a fucking punch man. Those guys will laugh at Lil Floyd when he hit them."

ONLINE BOXING NAME = The Legend (aka. Rocky Marciano)
MEMBER SINCE = information not available
EXPERIENCE = top 10 power ranked boxer
STATUS = Active
STYLE in 2D= Precision boxing
STYLE in 3D= Wrestling + hooks
SIGNATURE PUNCh in 3D = Wild power hook
SIGNATURE COMBO = Rock hard body punch and hook to head.
Objective= 1. to become superhampion in 2D 2. to get 3D working without having admin rights
Larry Holmes


Joined: 29/06/2006 07:52:33
Messages: 328

It doesn't sound as if he likes his son a lot. Would be cool to see Floyd do this though.
But if they meet the octagon wouldnt be fair. I mean those guys have been training for that ruleset. MMA is not even MMA anymore, I mean common no neckpunches, lowblows,throat blows, blows in the back, kidneys, no small joint manipulation, no headbutts, no kicking at the knees and the list goes on. They are the best at their "sport" doesnt mean they are the best figthers in the world. UFC is not Ultimate anymore it's VMFC Very Modified Fighting Championship. Or just mix of boxing and wrestling and thaiboxing that's really what it is. They still thrive on that "bloodsport" image but it's totally undeserved, what they are doing is just adapting more and more to their rules. 90% of all combatsport are usesless in the octagon, but that doenst mean they are really usesless does it ?
I predict that it's popularity will decline alot over the next few years, first of all it has no real strength behind it, just a blownup organization and a tv network. This leaves it very vulnerable if one of those goes bankrupt or change course.
Boxing is and official sport with thousands of organizations and even countries behind it, the support and strength is massive. It is not dependent on any one person or organization, it just exist everywhere, it has space and freedom to move, the flow of lifegiving oxygene is ever present.
Another thing that ppl dont understand, the majority of the population does not enjoy violence if it gets to "real". But many find boxing enough modified and removed from the street violence image to be "houseclean".
So theres a market for MMA of course, the mass of always searching for the more and more violent and extreme.
But those people are not really devoted and are not faithfull fans, once something uglier comes along they will change or suddenly they will just lose interrest. They are not really interrested in the technical side of the sport so they never really gets hooked.
Boxing fans are truly hooked and cannot be converted by any force on earth, this is the main difference between MMA and boxing.
Also boxing fans have no interrest in violence, to them it's a sport. They
dont engage in the endless and tiresome dumbass discussions about "what is best, karate or kungfu" who would win in a streetfight, Bruce Lee or Chuck Norris. Boxing fans dont care they just love their sport.

Not to say that there's no real fans who actually understands whats going on in MMA, of course there are. But those are not the ones driving the market.
Once that market for redneck dumbasses has be exploited or the dumbasses has gotten smarter, you'll see this so called sport crumble under it's own weight.

Halleluja, Lerru has spoken.

This message was edited 8 times. Last update was at 03/01/2008 10:29:30

The Legend

Joined: 09/11/2007 14:52:38
Messages: 33

Well you are both right and wrong Larry.

True Vale Tudo still exists. You need to check out Rio Heroes. It is true NHB meaning no gloves, no stand ups and very few rules in general.

MMA is a competition format with set rules. It's purpose is to offer a venue where fighters from different martial arts and sports can compete against each other. MMA

UFC is more like shootboxing these days. Shootingboxing is kickboxing with takedowns.

M-1/Yarennoka have the old Pride FC spirit so that promotion has promise.

K1-Heroes is also much better than UFC when it comes to implementation of MMA rules.

""They are the best at their "sport" doesnt mean they are the best figthers in the world."

While people who compete successfully in events like Rio Heroes can be said to be best fighters I do also have to say that individuals like Fedor Emilianko, Minotauro Nogueira, Randy Couture are one of the best fighters on this planet.

I do disagree with you about few things. In my honest opinion MMA is here to stay. Personally I enjoy MMA from a technical point of view but that is propably due to my Judo and BJJ backround.

ONLINE BOXING NAME = The Legend (aka. Rocky Marciano)
MEMBER SINCE = information not available
EXPERIENCE = top 10 power ranked boxer
STATUS = Active
STYLE in 2D= Precision boxing
STYLE in 3D= Wrestling + hooks
SIGNATURE PUNCh in 3D = Wild power hook
SIGNATURE COMBO = Rock hard body punch and hook to head.
Objective= 1. to become superhampion in 2D 2. to get 3D working without having admin rights
Larry Holmes


Joined: 29/06/2006 07:52:33
Messages: 328

UFC has to stop forming mmas image. Let the sport have a free image, like boxing. As long as they hold on to their shitkicker redneck image it wont progress into a world sport since everyone who aint a shitkicker themselves cant relate to the shit.

LOL that was some biased shit !.

But it might be a set of rules for everyone..but the truth is as soon as you start in UFC you forget everything else, and just practice for the things that works there. So infact it's just a new sport, like boxing.
It is not a place where every MMA artist from different backgrounds can fight.

This fool floyd senior needs to stfu. None knows whats going to happen if Floyd would fight in MMA. I know for sure that he could vipe out entire K1 not sure about UFC.
Floyd sr cannot be taking seriously, he looks like a junky on crack and he hates his son and the ever opportunistic MMA press prob paid
him $50 dollars to say this. Floyd Sr is a bum himself, SRL gave him a beating that lasted a lifetime now he wants to get back at boxing because everyone in it kept whuppin on him.

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 03/01/2008 12:57:50

The Legend

Joined: 09/11/2007 14:52:38
Messages: 33

Actually I do not think that was biased at all. UFC is trying hard to monopolise MMA. UFC even bought Pride FC just to close the promotion down so that there would not be direct major competitor.

Does not really matter due to Japanese setting up M-1 (Pride FC without the Yakuza) and getting nice TV deal for M-1, K-1 getting K-1 Heroes going well and Monte Cox investing in MMA (he has way more financial power than the Feritta brothers who are behgind UFC).

I absolutely hate the redneck crowd at UFC who know next to nothing about MMA, chant USA USA USA... at every opportunity and act in an apalling way in general.

"It is not a place where every MMA artist from different backgrounds can fight."

it used to be.... and now Rio Heroes has replaced UFC as such competition venue.

Anyway modern MMA is a sport just like boxing it. I really do like it although I dont agree with the rules set UFC uses, the cage etc. That is why I mostly watch Japanese promotions. They use better rules and ring. With ring you can not just press your opponent against the cage for most of the duration of the match.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 03/01/2008 13:01:07

ONLINE BOXING NAME = The Legend (aka. Rocky Marciano)
MEMBER SINCE = information not available
EXPERIENCE = top 10 power ranked boxer
STATUS = Active
STYLE in 2D= Precision boxing
STYLE in 3D= Wrestling + hooks
SIGNATURE PUNCh in 3D = Wild power hook
SIGNATURE COMBO = Rock hard body punch and hook to head.
Objective= 1. to become superhampion in 2D 2. to get 3D working without having admin rights


Joined: 19/04/2006 11:00:44
Messages: 1394
Location: Buffalo,NY

Go back and watch Mayweather-Hatton 24/7 and watch how floyd was talking about only like 1 more fight cuz his body is in bad shape he aint gone goto MMA just look at his fighting style he wud either get pounded or he would surprisingly do good but he has no other skills...No wrestling no submisson just striking......and he doesnt have tht much power

Therefore hes not going MMA i guarrentee it and plus MMA sux no straight punches =O lolz!!!!!

Title History
42xOB Champ


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Messages: 953


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 16/10/2008 06:50:01


Joined: 06/10/2006 18:19:47
Messages: 685
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UFC should allow stomps, kicks to downed opponent. Dusty Rhodes' elbow. The rules are too strict. Even though, no low blows is a universal rule even in a common street fight. They should allow more attacks like in the olden days( THEY DIDNT EVEN USE GLOVES!!!)

OBID: ProfsBack
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Joined: 18/04/2006 14:22:37
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Hahahaha, skip to 5:15 and see what that muppet (Mayweather) has to say about it (UFC).

I'd love to see that guy in the Octagon, his running wouldn't help him one bit.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 05/01/2008 02:51:14

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ONLINE BOXING NAME = don_king_promotions

menicaha behaniclo

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Larry Holmes


Joined: 29/06/2006 07:52:33
Messages: 328

Donny_king wrote:Hahahaha, skip to 5:15 and see what that muppet (Mayweather) has to say about it (UFC).
I'd love to see that guy in the Octagon, his running wouldn't help him one bit.

He just don't like it, like any normal person He don't run he box. I think his running would help, it's really hard catching someone with a nice footwork. If they went for the shoot they might just end up in the air, looking silly. Don't underestimate boxing and don't believe the hype.

Listen to Rogan "it's much more exciting than any other combat sport out there". Yes to HIM, and he said that to just to provoke Di Bella for no other reason than to spark a stupid argument. Why do the UFC dudes always talks like everything they say is a scientifically proven fact.

EDIT:LOL I just read some responses on that thread, and I just knew it, very soon they started talking about who would win, Bruce Lee or some other dude. BRUCE LEE WAS AN ACTOR GET IT INTO YOUR THICK MMA SKULL, HE NEVER FOUGHT ANYONE, HE NEVER HAD A PROVEN DOCUMENTED VICTORY AGAINST ANYONE IN THE GODDAMN WORLD. This shows what kind of mental midgets these people are, and they are going to take over boxing ? ROFL !!

This message was edited 7 times. Last update was at 05/01/2008 09:37:19


Joined: 20/05/2007 12:51:06
Messages: 2299

I think mayweather would get brutalised in mma he wudnet be pretty boy floyd mayweather anymore.

Retirement but may have a few fights
Joined: May 20th 2007
Second greatest ko artist in OB history based on 4k wins.
Larry Holmes


Joined: 29/06/2006 07:52:33
Messages: 328

sterlihalla wrote:I think mayweather would get brutalised in mma he wudnet be pretty boy floyd mayweather anymore.

He would still be more pretty than you, j/k

Joined: 20/05/2007 12:51:06
Messages: 2299

Larry Holmes wrote:
sterlihalla wrote:I think mayweather would get brutalised in mma he wudnet be pretty boy floyd mayweather anymore.

He would still be more pretty than you, j/k

?.. what a prick u are

Retirement but may have a few fights
Joined: May 20th 2007
Second greatest ko artist in OB history based on 4k wins.


Joined: 19/04/2006 11:00:44
Messages: 1394
Location: Buffalo,NY

WTF is with this i mean rlly MMA is for ppl with no boxing skill cuz most of them have none floyd hes little and not tht strong so all tht wrestling and hugging and laying all over each other is not in his future...N y every1 try to hate on mayweather cuz he doesnt just stand there like a dumbass MMA fighter and get his face bashed in i mean really if u wanna talk about mayweahter (DKP) just look at how he re-arranged ur bitch ass brit friend Hatton his fucking head hit the turnbuckle!!!! ROFLMFAO!!! tryin all that hugging each other on the ropes tryna fight like a bully got his fuckin skull pushed back and than floyd didnt touch him and he just fell backwards and if u think all tht fuckin huggin PBF on the ropes shit was workin PBF was up like 116-111 so get the fuck outta hear PBF for Prez n Fuck MMA boxin till the day i die u kno y? cuz i luv Jabs!! ahhaa

Title History
42xOB Champ



Joined: 18/04/2006 14:22:37
Messages: 907
Location: Manchester , England

Skillz wrote:WTF is with this i mean rlly MMA is for ppl with no boxing skill cuz most of them have none floyd hes little and not tht strong so all tht wrestling and hugging and laying all over each other is not in his future...N y every1 try to hate on mayweather cuz he doesnt just stand there like a dumbass MMA fighter and get his face bashed in i mean really if u wanna talk about mayweahter (DKP) just look at how he re-arranged ur bitch ass brit friend Hatton his fucking head hit the turnbuckle!!!! ROFLMFAO!!! tryin all that hugging each other on the ropes tryna fight like a bully got his fuckin skull pushed back and than floyd didnt touch him and he just fell backwards and if u think all tht fuckin huggin PBF on the ropes shit was workin PBF was up like 116-111 so get the fuck outta hear PBF for Prez n Fuck MMA boxin till the day i die u kno y? cuz i luv Jabs!! ahhaa

Oh no Hatton got beat off a skinny midget, oh no !!

So did everyone else he has fought (americans etc) so are they "bitch ass americans" ?

Hatton is a world champion so don't give me that drivel, save it for the retards that think he is any less of a boxer or person for losing against the "number 1 p4p".

The MMA talk I won't comment on (with you) apart from saying that obviously you don't know the first thing about it.

Also I'd like to point out that the "bitch ass brit" would whoop you in about two seconds.

Larry Holmes wrote:
Donny_king wrote:Hahahaha, skip to 5:15 and see what that muppet (Mayweather) has to say about it (UFC).
I'd love to see that guy in the Octagon, his running wouldn't help him one bit.

He just don't like it, like any normal person He don't run he box. I think his running would help, it's really hard catching someone with a nice footwork. If they went for the shoot they might just end up in the air, looking silly. Don't underestimate boxing and don't believe the hype.

Listen to Rogan "it's much more exciting than any other combat sport out there". Yes to HIM, and he said that to just to provoke Di Bella for no other reason than to spark a stupid argument. Why do the UFC dudes always talks like everything they say is a scientifically proven fact.

EDIT:LOL I just read some responses on that thread, and I just knew it, very soon they started talking about who would win, Bruce Lee or some other dude. BRUCE LEE WAS AN ACTOR GET IT INTO YOUR THICK MMA SKULL, HE NEVER FOUGHT ANYONE, HE NEVER HAD A PROVEN DOCUMENTED VICTORY AGAINST ANYONE IN THE GODDAMN WORLD. This shows what kind of mental midgets these people are, and they are going to take over boxing ? ROFL !!

Normal person, Floyd is normal ?

Boxing is class, a great sport and art but so are the many different arts which go together to make up MMA. It's not hype, it's a bloody damn good sport IMO just like Boxing is in your opinion, different strokes for different folkes.

Boxing guys hate on MMA but MMA guys like Boxing very much, most of the arguments come from the Boxing fans hating on MMA and the MMA fan defending his sport. I agree with Joe on many of his points, some I don't but on the whole I agree that MMA is more enjoyable and entertaining to watch.

I didn't read the thread about Bruce Lee and all that crap, I agree those types of so called fans are a joke, every sport has them I guess and they don't help it's popularity one bit.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 06/01/2008 07:59:56

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ONLINE BOXING NAME = don_king_promotions

menicaha behaniclo

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case USER_STATE_TOUGHGUY : LaughAtUser( i;
default : IgnoreUser( i;
return 1;
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