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Sugar Shane mosley Vs Miguel Cotto  XML
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mike watson

Joined: 11/06/2007 19:03:15
Messages: 208
Location: south west (because we count less)

sterlihalla wrote:wat has mosely achived what mayweather hasnt? i think mayweather has achived more callin him sugar is a joke tbh imo
ok do you think floyd isnt a hall of famer?super featherwieght all the way to light middlewiehgt that pretty impressive and he is a fun guy to watch when againsdt as slow plodder.

the only man to win 6 titles in differen twieght classes was delahoya AND MOSLEY BEAT HIM TWICE

lets start at the top he was a domintating lightwieght and destroyed all opposition even though he didnt unify id didnt matter all other champions ducked him and the only man that he wanted business with was oscar delahoya.


mosley jumped over the lightwelterwiehgt barrior to chase oscar for a fight and destroyed all of those who opposed him...he then beat a prime oscar and defeated anybody and fought anybody the most dodged person in boxing at the time was vernon forrest and he let him fight him. he lost fought a few more time and then launched his comback against dela hoya II at fucking lightmiddlewieght form a guy who is barely 5'9

he beat him and instead of trying to make more dough by fighting oscar again he chose a little known fighter from st.petersberg called Winky Wright.

i can tbelieve i have to explain to you who mosley is and his accomplishments.

you know nothing about mosley if you think he is not a hall of famer

and the 3rd best sugar of all time

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 02/11/2007 20:51:16

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my piece

Joined: 20/05/2007 12:51:06
Messages: 2299

Well took u a long while to reply mike watson so u been doing alot of research i see lol its too obvious.
I said he hasnt done more then mayweather he is very overrated his best win is oscar del ya hoya who quite frankly isnt that gd lol.
Losing to winky wright is respectable but not when wright was past his prime and losing to a no name forrest aswell twice is like wtf lol.
Being dominate in a wieght division isnt that hard mayweather dominate at super feather/junior light/light wieght to be honest.
Yeh hes beat oscar and gues what he would hand his ass to him again cause it was a lop sided fight.
I cant believe it took u so long to make a post listing only 1 gd fighter shane has beat totally over rated.
He doesnt deserve sugar as a nickname yeh it looks gd on paper but hes no gd in the ring his career is over and cotto will end him for gd.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 02/11/2007 21:01:18

Retirement but may have a few fights
Joined: May 20th 2007
Second greatest ko artist in OB history based on 4k wins.
mike watson

Joined: 11/06/2007 19:03:15
Messages: 208
Location: south west (because we count less)

sterlihalla wrote:Well took u a long while to reply mike watson so u been doing alot of research i see lol its too obvious.
I said he hasnt done more then mayweather he is very overrated his best win is oscar del ya hoya who quite frankly isnt that gd lol.
Losing to winky wright is respectable but not when wright was past his prime and losing to a no name forrest aswell twice is like wtf lol.
Being dominate in a wieght division isnt that hard mayweather dominate at super feather/junior light/light wieght to be honest.
Yeh hes beat oscar and gues what he would hand his ass to him again cause it was a lop sided fight.
I cant believe it took u so long to make a post listing only 1 gd fighter shane has beat totally over rated.
He doesnt deserve sugar as a nickname yeh it looks gd on paper but hes no gd in the ring his career is over and cotto will end him for gd.

took a long time!!!!!!!!?????????...mate thats 4 days jeez man i dont spend all my time on this man...have you seen me in the digi ring for a while....uh .....what?.....i can't there you .......oh no! you havnt oh thats right becuase i go to college man

these arnt like emails that i comment back as quick aspossible this is a forum....a place where you put ideas down and let other people hear your views.

look at mayweathers record he has not fought a non top 10 ranker for 10 years...even the greatest fighters of all time pick pass-bye fights.

and his best wins were against manfreddy,brussels,gatti,shamba,corrrales,judah,castillo,corley even the drunken master himself (and i bet you need to do a bit of research who that is).

and for what reason is it easier to dominate super feather ,lightwieght and light welter than anyothers like wieght means that there are weaker fighters or somthing. hmm nice logic creap.

mosley is earning of the name he wans when he started but few fighters do i know who actually face anyone to prove themselves.

some 'warriors' that you love.also arent as sweet as you make them

Roy Jones RAN from hopkins when Hopkins reached his prime also ducked Erdai,Michalczewski and johnson. and when he gets in trouble and gets outboxed by montell griffin he punches montell while he was down big warrior mentality

corrales was a coward when it came to making fights he never wanted anythign to do with none unless they paid him enough. joel casamyor,castillo were only made after fuckign ages of wieght problems and then him sueing castillo for it warrior mentality.

kelley pavlik is a wasteman and is gonna get exposed brutally one day. he got knocked down by jermain taylro who is not a big puncher and his only money shot is a right cross......and it was a left hook that dropped pavlik HAHAHAHAHA

anyways back to mosley mosley is a hall of famer easily. and his losses.

to vernon forrest he just got cramped on by the bigger guy not just that you should have a look at vernons amatuer record this is what people were scared of it's a good read.

and winky wasnt past his prime and in that it's winky writgh we are talking about here. winky has a chance of breaking the hall of fame.

if your going to lose to anyone it should be the number 1 ranked lightmiddle and that was winky.

no one wanted to fight winky no one wanted to fight forrest shane put his belt on the line and saifd i'll take you on...thats more useful to the sport a guy who will defend his belt against anyone who wants a shot not a grab a title and sit on it for years and years and politik your ways out of big fights

mosley was also p4p champion for 3 years longer than floyd and oscar

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my piece

Joined: 20/05/2007 12:51:06
Messages: 2299

U was posting on here but never posted in this thread lol took u about 4 days to think of something i guess.
I infact never said it was easy for someone to dominate them divisions i said that he dominated them because of the kind of fighter he is of course.
How is he earning his name? by fighting cotto so he can retire ? lol
Well i have a top 10 list if you would like to trash all them great fighters lol dont just go off my sigs since i dont rearly like pavlik much since he aint in my top 10 and theres no logic in talking about my fav fighters like a idiot lol i cud trash urs too mike watson who? lol.
P4P till he got exposed by a lesser fighter mayweather been p4p for a long time now maybe even gna break 3 years lol i actually think its coming up.
Roy jones was p4p longer then shane so it doesnt make him better does it?
Try making a valid agrument without gettin of topic in the same post lol.

Retirement but may have a few fights
Joined: May 20th 2007
Second greatest ko artist in OB history based on 4k wins.
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