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Joined: 05/01/2007 15:36:43
Messages: 1488

mike watson wrote:

search in youtube you'll get amazing moves by him he made oscar look like the slow robotic prick that he is.

Ooooo. Oscar fights at a slow pace but generally outboxes his opponent, fair enough it's not happening now but it did, and although his pace was slow he still had a sharp powerful left hook that finished alot of his opponents. He was obviously fast enough to become world champion

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 21/09/2007 20:42:34

Oscar De La Hoya 1025 - 842

mike watson

Joined: 11/06/2007 19:03:15
Messages: 208
Location: south west (because we count less)

is this not the hardest man to hit.
wheres pep and floyd stay locked up ina guard this guy doesnt have one.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 21/09/2007 20:49:48

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Joined: 05/01/2007 15:36:43
Messages: 1488

Got amazing reflexes like.

Oscar De La Hoya 1025 - 842

mike watson

Joined: 11/06/2007 19:03:15
Messages: 208
Location: south west (because we count less)

Oscar wrote:

Ooooo. Oscar fights at a slow pace but generally outboxes his opponent, fair enough it's not happening now but it did, and although his pace was slow he still had a sharp powerful left hook that finished alot of his opponents. He was obviously fast enough to become world champion sorry man but you dont have to be fast to be world champion

joey maxim is a VERY good point in this.even Shannon 'i pass out of exhuastion past round 3 and just stay infront of the guy till the last round and try to ko him' Briggs

i have no problem with his skills i just think he isnt as good as people have made him up to be. against sturm he was horribly outboxed and beaten. his best opponants were a VERY old chavez,an even further out of his prime whitaker lost to trinidad and if i would do somthing is not run around the ring and actually try and win. ike quartey which was a robbery.

apart from that yeah good record....6 wordl titles even if 4 were bogus that takes some talent.

bhut not as good as people say

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Joined: 05/01/2007 15:36:43
Messages: 1488

I didn't say you have to be fast to be a world champion, i just said he must have been fast enough.

I honestly don't think he's overated at all, he's a great text book boxer, the abilty to attack at a fast pace and great sharp left hooks, not the most amazing defence but he has a good balanced defence, in my mind he was in his prime an amazing boxer.

Oscar De La Hoya 1025 - 842



Joined: 26/02/2007 02:43:49
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woops that's me ---^


OB NAME: catfish

Wins:2707 Losses:1369 Draws:21 KO's:2660
KO RATIO: 64.92%

Titles Won: 12
Defences: 3

Best KO Ratio Based On 2000+ Wins:
1 Nigel Benn 80.26%
2 Mike Tyson 79.96%
3 Fatny 77.78%
4 Black Bear 72.43
5 john/Demonjabber/James A. Braddock 70.51
6 Here To FIght/Newguy 68.93%
7 Unstoppable 68.85%
8 Red Viper 69.78%
9 catfish 64.92% <------Sexiness prevails.
10 Reaper 64.86%

Started playing: November 15th, 2005

i eat little white boys
"i got a fever, and the only prescription, is more cowbell"
"rofl dofl with springles on top" -words of Reaper

Don't ever forget me.

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Joined: 20/04/2006 19:48:23
Messages: 489
Location: Danbury, CT

I would go with Pernell...

half the people who say Willie Pep, say it because that is what they read...I've barely seen any video of based on what I have seen...Sweet Pea, prime Ali and Mayweather

they all are great defensively in close and with their own moves...

Ali was great with leaning from punches.
Floyd is great in the pocket with his shoulder roll.
Pernell was great with movement, ducking and slipping.

RECORD: 3761-1464-101 (3157 KOS)
EXPERIENCE = Throwing body jabs since 2003
STATUS = Officially Retired (2014)
TOUGHEST OPPOSITION: Larry Holmes, Sugarray, Here To Fight, Salvador-Sanchez/El Terrible Morales, Labratory, Mike Tyson, M.A.Barrera
FIGHTINGSTYLE = Defensive Counter Puncher
SIGNATURE COMBO = Lean back jab->long uppercut
OB CLASS = Maybe one day second ballot HOF'er

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mike watson

Joined: 11/06/2007 19:03:15
Messages: 208
Location: south west (because we count less)

Tyrant wrote:I would go with Pernell...

half the people who say Willie Pep, say it because that is what they read...I've barely seen any video of based on what I have seen...Sweet Pea, prime Ali and Mayweather

they all are great defensively in close and with their own moves...

Ali was great with leaning from punches.
Floyd is great in the pocket with his shoulder roll.
Pernell was great with movement, ducking and slipping.
oh pep was a genius he didnt have the natural movement ...he was clinically flat footed so to defend himself he would jab in and move out and duck very low using his lower centre of gravity to use for him.

he was almost impossible to hit cleanly and the only person to do that was sandy saddler who was a scary mutherfucka.

5'9 very lanky had a short reach but a big punch and a brutal attitude. he basicly (and im not jokingpicked pep up and threw him into a corner and threw lowblows ,headbutts ,elbows everything to make this a horrible fight for pep...he crushed him and basicly ripped willie apart.

in the 2nd fight saddler i have been told only hit pep 32 times to peps (around) 250 punches landed

pep was beutiful to watch he would sit on the ropes and just block and dodge everything but he was just in an era when the biggerwieght divisions were taking over and the lower wieghts were getting less and less airtime.

a shame becuase the footage would of been unbeilvable.

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Joined: 20/04/2006 19:48:23
Messages: 489
Location: Danbury, CT

mike watson wrote:
Tyrant wrote:I would go with Pernell...

half the people who say Willie Pep, say it because that is what they read...I've barely seen any video of based on what I have seen...Sweet Pea, prime Ali and Mayweather

they all are great defensively in close and with their own moves...

Ali was great with leaning from punches.
Floyd is great in the pocket with his shoulder roll.
Pernell was great with movement, ducking and slipping.
oh pep was a genius he didnt have the natural movement ...he was clinically flat footed so to defend himself he would jab in and move out and duck very low using his lower centre of gravity to use for him.

he was almost impossible to hit cleanly and the only person to do that was sandy saddler who was a scary mutherfucka.

5'9 very lanky had a short reach but a big punch and a brutal attitude. he basicly (and im not jokingpicked pep up and threw him into a corner and threw lowblows ,headbutts ,elbows everything to make this a horrible fight for pep...he crushed him and basicly ripped willie apart.

in the 2nd fight saddler i have been told only hit pep 32 times to peps (around) 250 punches landed

pep was beutiful to watch he would sit on the ropes and just block and dodge everything but he was just in an era when the biggerwieght divisions were taking over and the lower wieghts were getting less and less airtime.

a shame becuase the footage would of been unbeilvable.

again, like I would be nice to see all of I just speak based on what I've seen...and too bad he doesn't really have footage

RECORD: 3761-1464-101 (3157 KOS)
EXPERIENCE = Throwing body jabs since 2003
STATUS = Officially Retired (2014)
TOUGHEST OPPOSITION: Larry Holmes, Sugarray, Here To Fight, Salvador-Sanchez/El Terrible Morales, Labratory, Mike Tyson, M.A.Barrera
FIGHTINGSTYLE = Defensive Counter Puncher
SIGNATURE COMBO = Lean back jab->long uppercut
OB CLASS = Maybe one day second ballot HOF'er

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mike watson

Joined: 11/06/2007 19:03:15
Messages: 208
Location: south west (because we count less)

yeah true i wasnt taking you apart i was just agreeing with you that the footage that they have on him is about 20 fight deep...which to his fight record is absolutly nothing

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mike watson

Joined: 11/06/2007 19:03:15
Messages: 208
Location: south west (because we count less)

also there was a guy called nicolino loche....i actually think he was the hardest to hit. had little power but had handspeed chin and basicly was the precurser of ali's rope a dope. i actaully rate him higher than floyd really. very fun to watch. youtube it you might get somthings

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