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Messages posted by: vitor belfort
Forum Index » Profile for vitor belfort » Messages posted by vitor belfort
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seems like a fair list, im gonna keep playing, improving.
i could probably help out in the future, i dont have a bank account at the moment thow unfortunatley
my connection isnt doing so well, a bit of skippen, sorry guys i will just take some time off untill it improves, but i will still be playing single player here n their to stay sharp, talk to you guys in the near future
well im ranked high enough john, online now at the moment actually, ill be waiting for you to show up sometime to day, i want a shot if you would give me one i would be very appreciative of that opportunity, see you in the ring
i want to be a champion, i have been focusing on the belt, to get that belt i must fight the best and get a title shot. I hope to some day be in the HOF with the greats. so get online guys i want to put on some exciting fights xD
Forum Index » Profile for vitor belfort » Messages posted by vitor belfort
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