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Messages posted by: BaRaCk ObAmA
Forum Index » Profile for BaRaCk ObAmA » Messages posted by BaRaCk ObAmA
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Nigel Benn, because he was good but now he sucks because he went from bad to worse. Since he lost all of his titles, he is nothing but washed up. He blames his losing on the new stamina system, what a bunch of lies.

Just give it up, Nigel
Barrack Obama wrote:Whomever is imitating me, you're a sad person.

Take a guess and Identify me. I told you that Nigel is a big cry baby and always will be.

rankings wrote:nice pretend salvador there.... I think red viper is pretending to be sal.

Yeah, but whats your point goldenboy.
Barrack Obama AKA Salvador Sanchez
Forum Index » Profile for BaRaCk ObAmA » Messages posted by BaRaCk ObAmA
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