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Messages posted by: ?uestion Mark
Forum Index » Profile for ?uestion Mark » Messages posted by ?uestion Mark
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Who do you think that is the most disspointing fighter of 2009?. What I mean is that who is the least improved and created little impact of 2009. The whole communtiy gets to speak.
Red Viper wrote:
?uestion Mark wrote:Did Nigel Benn really earn or win all four of these belts or was he given two of those titles by Mikkel to make his "Superchamp" status a fraud?

Everyone in the entire OB Community gets to share thier own opinion and answer this question.

I'll answer this one, Nigel did not earn the title "Super Champ". The reason was because he was given TWO of those belts by Mikkel and he only won two of those titles by defeating John. He has to win, all four titles, none given to be a superchamp and Nigel Benn did not do that. So therefore, Nigel never was a super champ in the first place. So his so called superchamp status is a fraud. His superchamp reign was fake and it does not exist. Then he lost some of this titles to crappier titles and YES it does hurt his reputation. In conclusion, his "Superchamp" status should be revoked and let Nigel prove himself of actually winning all the titles without given the belts.
67 time Onlineboxing Champion- all my accounts combined.
54 time champion with the "Red Viper" Account Alone
111 title defences
22- OBC
14- OBW
10- OBA
4- SA
12- OBF
2- NA
1- Tournament
1- PDP
Have a 4300+ win differential
Greatest KO Artist In OB History
One of the greatest Sluggers in OB History
The most hardworking fighter in OB
Another OB Legend
A die hard martial arts films fan
The Quest for 10,000 KO's for one account
OB Name- Red Viper

Excellant answer, Red Viper. Anyone else wants to speak and answer to this topic?
Did Nigel Benn really earn or win all four of these belts or was he given two of those titles by Mikkel to make his "Superchamp" status a fraud?

Everyone in the entire OB Community gets to share thier own opinion and answer this question.
Forum Index » Profile for ?uestion Mark » Messages posted by ?uestion Mark
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