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Messages posted by: General
Forum Index » Profile for General » Messages posted by General
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Hey peoples long time no c ok get right to the question will any of you Pay for an Old vet? been a while but dont feel like waiting to get back into OB someone be nice n pay for me hit me back thanx
btw lab i would pay for u a month of ob if u want reply if u want it
sup lab long time no c i dont box much ne more either jus hop on once in a while how ya been?
Good bro jus landed new job i have a newborn son healthy hes a fussy lil turd lol
Yeah i ran a gym the Ghosts Gym it ruled period lol all other gyms sucked
Whats up everyone how you guys doing looks like a new message board just poppin in Nice to see Vargus is back long time no c brotha. Unstop congrats bud nice to see your on top peace yall
Forum Index » Profile for General » Messages posted by General
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