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Messages posted by: Donny_king
Forum Index » Profile for Donny_king » Messages posted by Donny_king
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Mikkel wrote:what about :
class OB {
if(!busy()) {
}else {

public void playOb() {
while(moreBeers()) {

public void playObAnyway() {

Lmao now that is one wicked script, I especially like the PlayOB() function

That's being used that is


Bit to long for all of it so I stole the "playOB" func for it
What about if we all just just go down to the snack bar and get some cola instead?

Well atleast my suggestion we all get something and not just one guy

Oops, damn if I think quick I can make a good excuse.

Damn am I thinking out loud again

Nah it's correct man, if your bored it == 1/true yes but I'm never bored cos I'm always on OB so it's always false. I'm stuck in a loop here or somet, go play OB,, go play OB....

if(playingOB==1) {bored=0}; !!

Mikkel wrote:Donny theres a bug in your signature

Yup, the / instead of \ for the linebreak

I was seeing how long it would take someone to notice, also the message wouldnt show if it was just ran in exe form (from dev) but a flash thought/program is what it is hehehe.

Interesting post guys although one user making several names then chatting to himself about a virtual character on a game makes me question his mental state. Listen to the man above and do us all a favour and leave it be, I think we can all agree that you guys have made your point.

Yeah I agree.
Good luck to all your countries.
I have a better idea than blocking or filtering the chat of profanity and vulgarities, it's quite simple really and it's far less work for Mikkel also.

Just don't use them !

Show a little respect towards your fellow gamer.

I think someone will win, maybe that one with the bald head. Or the one wearing the shorts, yeah he is pretty good I think.
I could also do it but if HTF isn't going to then I don't see why I should. I don't like showing you lot the skills anyways, because you will only get jealous.

Yeah I'm joking, what you gonna do about it?

I don't agree with SB much but on this occasion I shall.
Sup Marvin

Hmmm racist paypal???
thesniper wrote:It's really sad what this game has come to with the bitching and excuses in the chat box. All anyone ever does is complain when they lose, and it has gotten out of hand with the excuses. "My arm hurts," "I wasn't trying," "the AC was blowing in my face," etc etc. These excuses occur even when the fight was a total domination by the winner of the fight.

Some of these people should be warned and possibly banned from speaking in the chat box, only allowing them to fight. I was in and out today on OB and someone named "Yacoob" was in the room all day typing in caps and bitching at people. It really takes the fun away from the game sometimes. People have been talking more than fighting.

We're here to have fun guys, don't ruin it for the people who have some decency around here.

Well I must say that Sniper man, you hit the nail clean on the head there !

Some people need to take a step back, breath a few times. Then throw in the GF and leave it at that. After all like Sniper says we are all here to have fun, no point in ruining it for all of us because you take the game to seriously.
Forum Index » Profile for Donny_king » Messages posted by Donny_king
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