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Messages posted by: Donny_king
Forum Index » Profile for Donny_king » Messages posted by Donny_king
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That's a nice siggy rick !

A classic shot !!

Peace bro, stay in touch and see you for 3D.
Twenty seven , I'm twenty eight in two weeks.

Wow man you're full of ideas today

Keep them comming, it helps development I think if Mikkel knows what people want more, maybe.
Yacoob wrote:Ok
This is a boxing game right? Cool that's awesome....
but check this out
what if you could have people sign up as corner men and you could create a list of characters they could fashion and put together as far as the look, hair color, bla bla bla
but then in between rounds you could give each fight about ten seconds in the corner for their corner men to give them advice and this would be awesome for newbies since they're always asking about the controls and nobody really feels like schooling them because they're fighters and are more concerned about making themselves better fighters
These corner men would be there to train, teach, and even help develop the fighters strong points
Its just an idea but i think that would be cool for the new game
and you could also do it where the corner men's advice can only be heard by their fighter and not the opponent and the opponents corner man

And also as far as the championship instead of putting champ in the box you could put a small picture of the players boxer in that box with the championship around his waist

and each title could have a diffrent design

Nice idea, it's a lot of work but a nice idea none the less. I have one thought on it though, when it comes out (3D) everyone will be new to it so I don't think it would work. Maybe in a later on version an update etc but I don't think that straight off this would work because of everyone being a "nooblet" as they say. Also who would be willing? I don't mind helping guys out at all when I'm on, there are quite a few guys I've given pointers to and they have become great fighters or are on their way to becoming great. But I don't know if people would participate, maybe or maybe not. I know the idea of gyms was liked so maybe this can be done in some way now as it is quite simular.

Like I said nice idea though and just thought I'd give me two cents.
Guys Mikkel is just one guy not a team of programmers, lets just give him time to come up with the solutions to our gripes instead of making endless posts on the fact that the game isn't running as we all want it to be at the moment.

I'm sure that the game will be smoothed out soon and it will be back to a form which pleases most (it's very hard to please everyone!). But until then let's not take up all the board with countless posts about it. If you have something to add then by all means do but add it to a simular post, there is no need to keep making new ones.

There is a whole sub section of this forum dedicated to "Techinal issues", I shall make a post in there and you can all post in that one from now on.



PS. I have moved Tyrants "Major glitch" thread over to the sub forum, post in there any gripes you have. I moved this as it does contain the most opinions upto this point from you guys. I have edited a few quotes in there also for you guys to read.
NorthWest England
Mad that is, I've never thought about it like that.

Maybe it's because euro fighters fight euro fighters and americans fight americans because of the time difference. We all end up fighting a simular styled fighter more often than the other so I reckon it's just we adapt to our opponenents style and it becomes part of our own.

We are always learning from experiance, it's the best teacher(opponenent).

And here was me thinking the spammers were strange guys, jeesh how wrong was I !!
Dark Destroyer wrote:
By the way thanks Don for sorting the Euro title situation out, I appreciate it.

Np bro
Welcome back bro
Ok the euro fight will be :

Nigel VS Rick

Good luck guys and post the results.

Rick the Destroyer wrote:I am usually on the same time as Nigel - I think me and him should fight. He deserves to fight for the title as he has waited so long. I have never crossed swords with Trinidad, but see Nige all the time.

True Nigel does deserve it as does Trinidad being the #2 ranked, if Nigel doesn't wish to fight then I shall make it you vs Trinidad. It's about time we got that belt back in circulation.

If Trinidad is busy for a while again and Nigel does wish to fight then I shall schedule it you vs Nigel. Once Trinidad is more active again he can get a shot from one of you guys.

Mikkel wrote:Donny will you schedule title fights ? I don't always have the time right now.

Yeah no problem Mikkel, I'll speak to the guys and schedule them. I'll post who will be fighting once I've spoken to Nigel about it to see if he does want to fight for it or not.

Nice fight man, you did well all fight. I enjoyed watching that one.
Forum Index » Profile for Donny_king » Messages posted by Donny_king
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