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Messages posted by: Grim
Forum Index » Profile for Grim » Messages posted by Grim
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Yes, because you are the one to take time out of your day to post one win over me, while I own you every day. Nice job loser. Nice to see you got that happy beating me. Apparently Im just that important to you.
Congratulations on beating me once. First off Im not ProfsBack, second off I own you on a daily basis. My timing was off and you pretty much got lucky hooks on me all fight. But just to humor you.

Grim Reaper TKO1 edder1234
Grimmy - edder1234 3-7-2008
edder1234 KO1 Grim Reaper
edder1234 - Grimmy 3-7-2008
Grim Reaper TKO3 edder1234
Grimmy - edder1234 3-7-2008
Grim Reaper TKO1 edder1234
Grimmy - edder1234 3-7-2008
Grim Reaper TKO4 edder1234
Grimmy - edder1234 3-7-2008
Grim Reaper TKO1 edder1234
Grimmy - edder1234 5-7-2008
Grim Reaper TKO2 edder1234
Grimmy - edder1234 5-7-2008
Grim Reaper TKO9 edder1234
Grimmy - edder1234 5-7-2008
edder1234 KO3 Grim Reaper
edder1234 - Grimmy 5-7-2008
Grim Reaper TKO2 edder1234
Grimmy - edder1234 5-7-2008
Grim Reaper TKO5 edder1234
Grimmy - edder1234 5-7-2008
Grim Reaper TKO3 edder1234
Grimmy - edder1234 5-7-2008
edder1234 TKO4 Grim Reaper
edder1234 - Grimmy 7-7-2008

Now STFU you loser. Get a life.
Yeah, today I was mad so I made sure it didnt go to decision
Im not worried about it anymore, like I said before he clearly isn't wrapped too tight and should be worried more about getting professional help then playing computer games.
goldenboy88 wrote:lol, your a brand new player yet you know so much about this game? the terms padder and such,

Its time to get a fucking life and stop pretending

I didnt fucking write that.
K so this guy with a padded record because he sucks named dodge fights me. Im kicking his ass and he knows it. My dad asks me to do something so I go afk and he quickly KO's me. I go lol w/e rematch me. He respond lol "of course I ko you you are too easy, you will get better then leaves instantly" Im like wow community sucks. So I decide to embarrass this guy because hes a dick and want everyone to know he did not beat me, and he got cocky just for getting his ass kicked.

PS: He's a padder.
Hello, enjoying the game. I just want to know who is top dog here? I've met some very skilled fighters here but I would like to know who the best is so I can see where I am. I know I suck. I just started .
Forum Index » Profile for Grim » Messages posted by Grim
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