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Messages posted by: bruce lee
Forum Index » Profile for bruce lee » Messages posted by bruce lee
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even watching streaming video, *youtube* it buffers sometimes only half of the video...
how can i cap my internet speed so it doesnt try to d/l faster than it is? i think that may fix it, what did u do oscar??
after im fighting for a bit the game freez's i reinstalled the game, i think it may be my internet connection, i have a good one, but maybe it gets disrupted for a split second wich cuases the freeze, any suggestions guys.. im not sure whats going on
im talkin about 2d boxing
i was beating reaper and then b4 i could finish him, he lagged the game, and ko'd me when i went offline, you can ask KO, he watched the fight, i deserve to be in first place, what a punk... if i cant get my points and #1 rank, then idk.. i guess i just wont fight the guy anymore, and i suggest no one els does either, see how he feels when he cant get a match
yeah, i'll just have to wait for 2d to be fixed, and again mik, could you in the possible future make an offline single player ob2d? so when times like these occur we can still practice?
nothing yet...
hey mik, anyway you could make it possible to play sp offline? sometimes the server is down and i would like to practice, could you make this possible? thnx
Forum Index » Profile for bruce lee » Messages posted by bruce lee
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