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Messages posted by: j0057
Forum Index » Profile for j0057 » Messages posted by j0057
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tnx man

i have a problem:
Most matches i can not finish because Java crashes in the middle of the game. I have the newest version of Java. I use windows XP

The windows error window says:
Error signature
AppName: java.exe AppVer Modname: physxcore.dll
ModVer: Offset: 001e6578

Reporting details
This Error report includes: information regarding the condition of java.exe when the problem occured; the operating system version and computer hardware in use; your Digital Product ID, which could be used to identify your license; and the Internet Protocol (IP) adress of your computer. etc. etc.

I hope someone has the solution.
my firewall was off, when its on there seems to be no problem
yes, server was down
My firewall settings are fine. Does anybody know whats wrong?

server down maybee?

i am a player since yesterday, And I found out that with my gamepad (logitech chillstream, based on xbox controller) connected i am able to start the game, but when any video is starting (multiplayer match/training or test) the video is going down.

When the gamepad is disconnected you can play the game! (im happy to have also a logitech dual action gamepad ^^)

I hope that this will save some time for some users with gamepads based on Xbox software searching for the cause of this problem. just disconnect and play with keyboard or other gamepad.
Forum Index » Profile for j0057 » Messages posted by j0057
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