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Messages posted by: Stone Cold
Forum Index » Profile for Stone Cold » Messages posted by Stone Cold
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I just Koed a guy and instead of polite GF I got shouted some excuses about being rusty. When I pointed out to my opponent that the match we just did was my first match on OB2D after it got back up, he started crying and whining running back to OB3D in order to play "real game"

"A real game."


Here is the deal Mr. OB3D whiny ass Mr. Excuse player:

OB2D is for men. If you can not handle it go back to play kiddie games (OB3D).


Stone Cold said so 3:16!
ive had words with mikkel before and koookie is a alt he doesnt deserve one when he won my title he wasnt active at all same with soto and stone cold but u can make a agrument with viper hes a gd fighter.

What are you talking about Reaper? I am active and all. You on the other hand are still laying on the floor all unconsious after the last beating I gave to you so go figure.

My big brother Kookie definately deserves a title shot.
Forum Index » Profile for Stone Cold » Messages posted by Stone Cold
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