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Messages posted by: Dark Destroyer
Forum Index » Profile for Dark Destroyer » Messages posted by Dark Destroyer
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We had a title match and it froze for 1 minute every 30 seconds after freezing for 10 at the start, either it's a horrible connection, or he is lagging on purpose.

Mikkel, I was supposed to RM him, however I would not fight in that lag, if you want to strip me as it's the rules then cool.
The Lunatic wrote:Nigel you sad bastard...your still here! Lol

Haha, I came back a couple of months ago after a 3 year lay-off so not that sad. How you been buddy.
I also didnt defend as the server was down for a while.

No way in hell are you beating Fatny twice Reaper. Because of your big mouth OB has lost another player and the title has been given to someone that won't lose. Good job mate.
As I've been stripped through no fault of my own, I'm done with this game for a while.
I knew Reaper would put a thread up asking to strip me, typical bitch ass whiner. I was online waiting for someone to fight for days and no one did, so not my fault. Anyway be careful what you wish for, now Fatny has it, you have no chance of getting it.
I had a brief chat with Sal the other day and he asked if I'd be on OB lately....I didn't even know Mikkel put the game back online again!.

Anyways, just a quick shout out to Sugarray, HTF, Fatny, Unstop, John, Reaper, Boon, Viper, Yacoob and of course Mikkel. Hope you guys are well.

I would play again if it was not for the bad ping I get playing the game. My ping is great on other games, but for some reason it's awful for this. The constant changes to the gameplay didn't help either.
John and Viper in should be in I agree, but you have more chance of winning the lottery than trying to be accepted into OB's HOF.
Wow John...I used a smiley to show I was onky joking, I thought you would understand as you never react badly to a post...chill the fuck out

And Boon after seeing your antics over the years, you calling anybody immature is extremely ironic.
Paul Dion wrote:I am making this post to show that John Bludger has just copied and pasted MY creation and changed the name to John Bludger Promotions...

John you are a joke... at least give credit where it is due on your thread. Don't try and make it look like your idea/creation. I hate people who steal intellectual property!!! I think you actually have a bigger ego than me! Always stealing my ideas and replacing "Paul Dion" with "John Bludger" ... you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see that you have just ripped off my idea 100%'s just a copy and paste job! Shame on you John Bludger...shame on you!

He also ripped off my statistics thread.
Ray Johnson wrote:
Red Viper wrote:Thats fucking it, you fucking piece of shit. You think you really know me but you don't know shit about me. Check the stats again, you stupid motherfucker. You NEVER beat me most of the time, you fucking little punk. Nobody agrees with your shitty ass statements exceot you. Washed up Homosexual, my ass. Nobody in this god dam game thinks that except pussies like you. Think whatever you want, but you'll NEVER be right because none of the bullshit you have said are true. I have the right to be pissed off because I am not going to take shit from fucking lowlife punks like you. I am getting sick and fucking tired of hearing your shitty comments.

If you talk that crap in real life to me, I sure as hell wouldn't put up with your bullshit. It's either put up or shut up because I am tired of hearing your shit. I am not challenging you in real life because its stupid to fight someone over a game. In two weeks, I am challeging you in the best of seven fights. You better show up in the OB lobby in two fucking weeks or you'll be remembered as one the biggest cowards of OB. You better come online in two weeks or get the fuck out of this site. Two weeks, Ray your a fucking deadman and you'll be for a rude awakening.

"I am not challenging you in real life because its stupid to fight someone over a game."

We aren't 'fighting' over a game, my friend. I have personaly insulted you (made true statements), so you have every right to try and fight me for real. The problem is you're an unbelievable pussy and the sight of me would tear you in half, that's why you're challenging me on OB. OB is the only place where you think you can act like a man. You're a fucking wimpy loner child, so shut the fuck up.

Don't think beating me in OB changes anything about your masculinity, because nobody else does. If you want to find me, track me down and kill me. Otherwise, just apologise and I'll be happy to forgive you.

Lol harsh man, very harsh.

Viper just give it up. There is no point arguing with someone who is so much higher above you intellectually. But like the typical dumb thug, you think fighting will mask your insecurities and inadequacies and on top of that miss the whole point of a diss aimed at you then respond with garbage which of course is exactly what you are going to do when replying to this post. Here I'll save you the trouble...

I'm washed up
You retired me
You are better and beat me bad when we last fought
You have won more titles and have more defences
I should have a best out of 3 series to settle things, of which I won't, which makes me a coward.

Why do people get excited over racking up streaks and titles against the same 3 people? I just don't get it. It would be impressive if atleast 3 vets were still playing.
Dick wrote:Rocky had just 1 serious defense over the last 2 weeks against Vargas. He declined all the other requests from the best fighters around. Yes, I do think Rocky is a good fighter (altough I have his number) but it´s a shame to see he doesnt want to be in any tough match ups.

Well it is obvious that he is playing it very cautious as he is very close to becoming superchamp. I'm sure he will defend against everybody if and when he achieves the feat. He knew Red would hold both titles once Mikkel got round to sorting the problem out, so I don't blame him for waiting for a unification match.
M. A R A G O N wrote:i have never owned a title but it seems like this is what happens if you do own a title:

1. everyone says you dont defend just cause you arnt playign the game 23 hours a day.

2. you are called a paper champ because you dont want to go on and play 23 hours a day.

3. the person you got the title from, didnt deserve to be there in the 1st place.

so in my conclusion, if you are champ to make everyone happy, you MUST not sleep and MUST have no life, YOU must be on the game AT ALL TIMES, no exceptions. if you are on you cannot take breaks or go eat something, you MUST fight. it doesnt matter if you just fought 10 straight 15 rd matches, you MUST fight the next challenger. If you leave someone hanging ( example: you have been on for 4 hours and decide to leave, the guy who wanted a challnge right before you left gets angry and says you "ducked them"

basically, everyone needs to quit getting angry at whoeevr has the titles. Thats how i roll.

Spot on. When you are champ, you'll get biiter jealousy and constant abuse, it's ridiculous. Like you say, unless you defend against everybody 24 hours a day you will get abuse, but even then that woudn't be enough, people will always moan no matter what you do. It's the price you pay for being OB champ. Nobody respects anybody on here, unless of course you are Fatny or Larry, many assholes on here seem to kiss their asses.
Oh the irony of it all. We will now have two guys who probably had a go at me the most about the way I achieved superchamp status (Even though I then done it the "proper way", will now attempt to achieve the feat the exact same way.
Forum Index » Profile for Dark Destroyer » Messages posted by Dark Destroyer
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