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Messages posted by: PenisSniff_Couture
Forum Index » Profile for PenisSniff_Couture » Messages posted by PenisSniff_Couture
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Deleted next time IP banning..
No problem and thank you for the compliment
being Couture's Mascot was my pleasure
Sniff sniff sniff sniff
Sometimes you have to sniff other peoples scrotum sack in order to keep the male genitals odor from getting out of control you know?
And Couture does such a wonderful job at doing that
sometimes he gets pubic hairs caught in his nose and sneezes them out.......what a swell guy............i give him props for finally coming out of the closet............And being the Penis Sniff that i going to pass on ALL my knowledge to Couture so that he will no longer NEED a MASCOT to sniff scrotum sacks any longer............i vow the day will come when Couture will raise that fruity flag with its beautifal rainbow colors in the air proudly and LEAD hundreds of thousands of Homo's to the golden age of Gaydom.................where they will have a nation of our own!!! Once again Yacoob..........thanks again for the compliment and also know i no longer am couture's mascot for his Male Gential Sniffing any longer..............
Forum Index » Profile for PenisSniff_Couture » Messages posted by PenisSniff_Couture
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