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Messages posted by: GayCockBoyRedViper
Forum Index » Profile for GayCockBoyRedViper » Messages posted by GayCockBoyRedViper
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It's funny that you guys mention Couture being a homosexual but i didnt know he had multiple partners because me and him had something going on and he told me that he loved me so Yacoob you were right about him having a tender heart.............He touched me in all the right places..........
Especially the most important place of them all..........My Heart............He's a handsome and wonderful man...........he makes me feel good inside.........and i know that one day me and him will be together forever..............Man and Man...........Male and Male........Alpha and Omega...........Adam And Steve.............I LOVE YOU COUTURE!!!!!
Forum Index » Profile for GayCockBoyRedViper » Messages posted by GayCockBoyRedViper
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