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Messages posted by: dread
Forum Index » Profile for dread » Messages posted by dread
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I actually reckon his deafness gives him real advantages, less distractions/more focus also less likely to get wobbled as equilibrium is linked to hearing.

Lyoto Machida would destroy him though!
haha that's class
def a candidate for foty , I'm picking Margarito.
The english version has been out for a while already titled "worldwide boxing manager"
had a few goes on it recently and thought it was very poor tbh - very limited create-a-boxer mode, the fights are terrible to watch, clunky menu's, horrible music..
lol @ this thread

Reaper - I never claimed to be unbeatable, it's proper funny though talking about me like I'm the end-game boss.
Your 'unique hard to hit style' needs a bit of work seeing that I brutally KO'd you in the other 3 fights we had today.
yeah Mikkel we need more ob3d taunts
nice1 oscar
Forum Index » Profile for dread » Messages posted by dread
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