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Messages posted by: Give Em Hell
Forum Index » Profile for Give Em Hell » Messages posted by Give Em Hell
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LOL, yeah he was pretending to be you, I owned him twice in less than 2 rounds your 10x better boxer than him I can barely do nothing to you.
Chuck Liddell> lol.. rm
Chuck Liddell> i had a bit of a problme
Give Em Hell> good fibht could I get a shot?
* Challenge from Chuck Liddell
Give Em Hell> stfu
Give Em Hell> you lost
Chuck Liddell> lol..
Chuck Liddell> ?
Chuck Liddell> ok kid
Chuck Liddell> lol..
Give Em Hell> Hey Good Fight you there?
Chuck Liddell> you wont beat me again
Chuck Liddell> i am good fight
Chuck Liddell> no shot for u idiot
Give Em Hell> No your not
Chuck Liddell> im not?
Give Em Hell> No
Give Em Hell> You arent
Chuck Liddell> hm ok
Chuck Liddell> i thought i was
Give Em Hell> Prove it then
Chuck Liddell> i cant prove it
Chuck Liddell> im not
Chuck Liddell> u just told me in not
Give Em Hell> Yes you can
Good Fight> damn Black Bear
* Challenge sent to Unbeatable..
* Challenge accepted by Unbeatable
* Unbeatable is starting a fight !
* Give Em Hell is starting a fight !
Good Fight> he needs to challenge me for the title
* Good Fight went offline
* Chuck Liddell went offline
* Give Em Hell went online

Is that really you? I mean he sucks and he's nothing but a spammy wannabe. He fights nothing like you and his ping is way different from yours. Are you really Chuck Liddell?
OBF is randomly giving people belts and stripping people and Black Bear has become the first ever tournament room champion lol
I went on OB2D and I couldnt believe my eyes. Theres a guy named Steven Seagal with a record of 226698 wins and 0 losses all KOs. He hacked your game some how to give himself an impossible record.
LMAO! Don't feel bad Yacnoob. I KO everyone. AHAHHAA
Aquarius came from the shadows of his hometown tough and rugged Bronx New York. His debut fight against TKO Knockout with a First Round TKO from an inside hook and 2 long hooks put him on the rise as one of the best amateur fighters. With a cool and calm personality Aquarius has been known to be called a ducker but he explains he only fights those who are on his skill level so that he can progress to becoming a stronger fighter. With a balanced approach to his training and averaging 2 to 4 bouts everytime he enters the organization his steady pace gives him the cutting edge of a fighter with a bright future. Undefeated for his first 19 bouts this fighter almost suffered a lost at his small time rival and friend The Mad Man who nailed two consecutive hooks that almost downed Aqarius for a KO. Recently losing to Gridlock, but defeating him in a best 2 out of 3 Aquarius vowed that one loss would be his only loss.[b]

Nice its good, But I dont think it matters how you KO your opponent, I'd rather KO a top boxer than someone who just pretty good than look really good.
Forum Index » Profile for Give Em Hell » Messages posted by Give Em Hell
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