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Messages posted by: Buakaw
Forum Index » Profile for Buakaw » Messages posted by Buakaw
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it's all bullcrap, when the records come, then we'll see who's who
oscar wrote: And where the hell is the sweat?


All i got to say - work on your footwork, it's terrible! You're bouncing on both feet at the same time like TKD guys - perfect way to get nailed. Another thing, when you're sparring - box, man!! you two were looking at each other more than you were working.

But footwork is the basic thing, without that you can forget about improving your punches.

Yeah, implementing profiles, rankings ect. would be great for ob3d...theres a point where you just got to let it roll, put the game into real testing and improve it along the way...anyway, if there will be some radical changes after that, profiles and titles can be deleted, and whole thing started again.
how do you know whats "tha shit" if you can't even get it started...
i'm at ob3d, come can you even go back to 2d after trying 3d???
3D is slow, 15-20 fps, unplayable. comp. 3ghz, 1gb ram, ati radeon 9800 pro... connection speed 100Mbps... whats the problem here?
yea, you have to land more cleanly now, that is great. but i've seen punches land cleanly on the head hundred of times and there was no right cross with the arm extended all the way and the head bouncing back should do some dmg if not serious...
Forum Index » Profile for Buakaw » Messages posted by Buakaw
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