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Messages posted by: sugarray22
Forum Index » Profile for sugarray22 » Messages posted by sugarray22
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Lol Reaper, you're not nearly as good as you think you are. Cough - one dimentional.

Yes, my fights do occasionally skip, have no idea why. Sometimes it is quite bad, sometimes it is barely noticeable. But trust me, it is an advantage to my opponents, not to me. I win in spite of the skips, not because of them.

But like I said, for the most part it is only a handful (2-3 tops) of tiny skips per round, not enough to take anyone out of their rhythm. Carry on using them as an excuse though, and I'll carry on dominating you.

You got a couple of wins over me when i was rusty, ok, but our last few fights have been embarrasingly one sided. Carry on believing you're something special, though, it is giving everyone a good laugh.

Forum Index » Profile for sugarray22 » Messages posted by sugarray22
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