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Messages posted by: Squeezed (Lemon?) Head
Forum Index » Profile for Squeezed (Lemon?) Head » Messages posted by Squeezed (Lemon?) Head
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"Not going to waste anymore time on you"

The only one that's been "owned" is you. And it's very hard to own someone on something that is as open and matterless as a messageboard. It takes the perfect combination of stupidity (you) matched with in this case intriguement and probably boredem on your part.
But then again you always did find it very hard to stick to anything you ever said.

I'd much rather throw my lot in risking "ownage" at a poker table, at least then something that matters will of occurred.
"Just like every single computer game, no? "

Single player games are a completely different context. If you don't understand this then explaining the abc's of that wouldn't be worth anyone's time for free.

"Nice of you to admit that what you require is patience. "
(to beat the game)

Does everything need to be spelled out for you or was that a really pathetic attempt to look for something negative to say?

"I don't play heads up, only full table nl100 and nl200 cash games and tournaments. My online bankroll is over 10k anyway and you probably don't have any money.

To be honest you sound like a kid just out of high school with a frustration problem and some sort of weird superiority complex. Probably an absolute loser in real life that spends the majority of his time trolling forums and bashing people online to try to boost his self-esteem or something.

And PS if you think people don't "work out" poker you're way off. Just ask any serious poker player online that multitables a lot. Real talented players that go up the stakes fast and have some kind of gifted deep understanding of the game don't, but those are a very, very small minority of the winning players. "

I'm talking about head's up, not multi-table strategy that turns online poker into a job.

Don't waddle on, yes or no? From that long winding political bullshit answer I presume no. I will play 5k heads up with you if you have the balls for it.

Don't worry if you lose a few you'll still have enough for a meal and a blowjob from a ladyboy.
Well done
Nice of you come along and explain (pretty much) the exact same thing for the goons. Nice and quiet now, the goons will be soaking up all that knowledge probably.

Nice of you to admit that what you require is patience. Such patience to conquer a game that really amounts to nothing any other individual outside of this little group would even take note of?
As a side note, if you ever fancy playing on any client with any limits i'd be more than happy to take your bankroll from you on a heads up cash game. That game holds a bit more understandable weight and as mentioned you can't ply your way through it.
Fear didn't have anything to do with. Pride and being ultra careful were the prime suspects. That's why he wouldn't give people repeated shots like HTF, because you knew it was all about getting into the swing of what you were doing. Good if u want to win consistantly, bad for playing and enjoying the game.
It was the attitude of all the other players playing him again and again in the spirit of this game when it was in it's "prime" that allowed him to establish this system.

"My Prime" more boxing equations brought into this game because of theme that you need to seperate from if u don't want to be a gimp anymore and want add some system and consistancy to your game.
If you think by looking at this name's account you've seen my "prime" then your a fool for not seeing beyond what's given to you. Much like you did with HTF while citing his record on this game under that name.

But please reply with a simple short statement again, I do enjoy explaining to near retards what is going on.
I fought him the other day, but since he was leaving I think he'd got too accustomed to fighting nobodies, and he didn't want the risk rate to increase from 1 percent to 5 percent even in fighting a rusty me being away for half a year. So the server went down, the fight got scrapped after round 6 and he didn't rematch me.

What style have you seem him adapt to? The 60 clinches per round instead of the 59?

What he will do is modify the same strategy against the one thing you might change if it becomes a tad successful, like anybody with half a brain.
He ain't gonna change his "style" because like I said he's worked this version of the game out, and like monkeytail understood it's all about the a and b's and consistancy.
I remember when Unstoppable was about to be inducted and Mik would every other month back then make a ridicoulus change, just for tinkering and bordems sake. Like a punch for a while knocked your opponent back . Which would piss everybody off that had worked out half a system (although nobody apart from probably Tyrant was totally systematic.)
It really pissed Unstoppable off and he was crying about leaving. Girly but understanable.
Then Mik actually got his head down on 3d and stopped making the utter comical changes.
If he'd of made that exact same change when Fatny was playing, he would of been like an upturned turtle for a good 3 weeks.

He probably loves boxing like most here, but he unlike most has completely and utterly seperated the perception of boxing from a game that can be systamically exploited. He's rather boringly but effectively worked out the right a/b choice to do in almost every situation. Apply consistancy (if u have that sort of mentality and your that bothered) and your sorted.

The jankenpoi or rock paper scissors fundamentality this game is based on could still be modified a bit to make it rely more on the individual than system and consistancy. But the nature of this game means that amongst others it will always be very high on the system/consistancy side if someone chooses to view it this way.

Your first post was coming up to being worthy of an actual reply,
But this killed it.
"I've seen Fatny change styles all the time"

If there's any seeming belief in what you've said a little down the road i'll reply properly.

Alot of players that were good that played this game for the long haul.

Lab was another one. By the time I played him he couldn't be arsed.

Holmes for longevity and remaining alright no matter when he played. Sticking around too when his want to win didn't match his will, mostly because it wasn't fresh anymore.
Clearly you didn't have a fucking clue that this was what was happening.
hmm how can I bring it down to your level?

Fatny is like the guy that can't beat the boss at the end of a game and has now figured it out.

He's a rinse repeater.

He's shown how most areas of this game to be exploited for winning are about consistancy as opposed free thinking and playing each situation that comes.

Like with other games that have survived the test of time and are classic, like the poker example I gave.
A Good formula is going to take you through by about 20 percent, consistancy another 30 percent, but the rest of the 50 is all on a test of the individual at that particular moment in that unique situation.

With this game the way Fatny plays it, it's about 90 percent formual and consistancy.

Most people here equate the game to real boxing so play it like that, but Fatny just looks at it like a formula now.

No good player cropped up that was willing to just do exactly what he did and be living in boredom.

By the time he got round to say Unstoppable (who's skills declined drastically almost the second he was inducted) the guy wanted to beat Fatny more than he wanted to try for it.

If u want a simpler version i'll be up for explaining it again in an even more dumbed down version
I remember HTF saying the field he fought was weak, and thinking, come off it you little whining shite. But he had a point, just not in the simplest of terms as he was stating them.
All other guys played on the moment, and because it wasn't built on technicality and consistency they all lost something when they got inducted into HOF.
Now if Fatny had met a lad that gave a shit as much as these guys did before HOF, he would of met someone that would of been bothered about being as consistant as him but with the want too. Played the exact same game and beat him.
Depending of course on who would of ended up being better at doing the exact same thing.
He doesn't play the game,
He's worked it out.

When he played, he was a good player but he was getting tough matches every other time against good players.

Then he worked the game out, and nobody could be arsed apart from you Larry.

He is running on technacalities and consistancy, eventually the other guys just go "can't be arsed"

Modify a few elements that are very A/B like and not open ended that style goes back to being free thinking.

Take for instance another game he likes, poker.
You can't "work" that game out, you have to play as yourself and the skill comes from real time instinct momentum and other varients and of course luck.
He knows this, that's why he maintained this game the way he did, fueled by probably caring about the game from liking proper boxing.

"The guy is a dutch living in a spanish country typing fine english on the internet. "

Another beautiful line for the gimps.

Your taking this the wrong way, chessmate is a neo classic!
"You know why Squeezed Head head's ended up squeezed? It's because he constantly has his head up his ass! It explains the smell also..."


This will go down well here with the goons, anywhere else, not really that much.

"Disregard the fact that this is internet and people from all over the world write there in english, be it their first language or not! "

No offence your doing alright, but sort that sentence out and your english offering to the internet will be a bit better. Don't have to be "proper" just understandable thanks.

No need to be angry mate, let's play some chess mate.
I'm loving the fact the title is chessmate and not checkmate
Pretty much sums the whole thing up from challenger to the guys supporting it to maybe even beyond. Haaaahahaha
Yeah about as much accomplishment as battering a room full of children and saying your the toughest there.
Then chatting some rubbish the minute an adult walks in,

Stuff like this makes a very good game that's at it's weakest just become almost non existant.
Forum Index » Profile for Squeezed (Lemon?) Head » Messages posted by Squeezed (Lemon?) Head
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