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Messages posted by: Donny_king
Forum Index » Profile for Donny_king » Messages posted by Donny_king
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Wierd, I didn't expect this although I don't follow boxing that much anymore so I don't know who is in what shape, who they last fought, how they did etc but I will say that if MB brings it and Khan isn't prepared for a war then it will be a very bad night for Khan from what I remember of MB (warrior).

Very interesting matchup indeed.
Neither well kinda erm, it was just me talking macker.


I meant like he would be an FBI agent (but OBI), wants eveidence and all that and it was a little pi$$take on his name (private johnson).
Ray Johnson wrote:
johnbludger wrote:Mikkel titles are vacated

Pics or it never happened.

You should make a card and carry it with you, you could stop people then with the line "Freeze OBI" or maybe blag your way into sleezy motels.
Paul Dion wrote:
Skillz wrote:huhh with the gay jokes again Dion? lol.

I can't help say some classic lines that hang in front of me like a carrot... (I even said something there for you to have a comeback...see it?) lol

Shame on you dude, shame on you !
Yay original OB

I started playing just after the GFX change so I never saw/used them so I will defo have to drag my ass on and get it whooped a few times (well you can try that is hehe).

I know I said I was done playing like a year ago or whatever and I'm normally a man of my word but in this case I think I can make an exception don't you
@Skillz, Ray, Oscar etc :- Y'all just a bunch of spammers

Cynic Ice Black wrote:
monkeytail wrote:Merry Christmas to u as well. Cynic and DKP may we bring the new year in as only we can. God Bless and be safe......

Have a great year Monkey Man. And all of you.


You too bro, have a good one !
EDDIE54 wrote:Lol reaper I've *retired* many times but didn't post so stfu lol

*cough* clicky *cough*
I've always thought Red has skills, bloody fast hands the dude has and a relentless come forward style. Like Fatny (and others) said this is his weakness but at the same time it's his strength, if your defence and footwork aren't ready then he will take your head off with his speed and aggression.

Sure he isn't the best "boxer" on here but very few can match or better his speed and aggression, if the guy learnt to box a little smarter, have more patience then unleash the speed combos when it's time to do so then he would be very very hard to stop.

@Red, you are a very good fighter dude, anyone that thinks otherwise is either trying to wind you up or frikkin blind. Let your hands do the talking like they always have.
Rankings be quiet, things are nice and quiet around here at the moment so lets keep it that way.

Also don't post chat logs here and keep the profanity to a minimum guys, I removed the logs but left the majority of the posts there.
Duran had heart for sure but god damn that punch landed so sweetly, like you say anyone would of crumbled off that shot as it was "spot on".

Not seen that in a long time and just spotted it while watching some crap on the tube. Frikkin awsome punch and 6:50 incase you can't be bothered to watch it all, one of my favourite punches that one so I thought I'd share it and get your opinions of it.
I'll just reply to this post as I'm not making the same reply to three posts.

I have offered to make a video, I have all the software needed but I can't record the footage until I get a new pc (quite soon now actually) so if you guys want to record the footage into .avi format and send it me then I will put it together and add some info/effects/music etc.

Either way I'll make one for the new year even if I haven't released another one upto then as there are a few different videos I want to make for OB and I don't mind spending some time on it.
Next we will have you watching UFC Mikkel.

See what you have started now Skillz, shame on you

Mikkel wrote:
It is what it is, he beat a good fighter nothing else. Don't act like he beat Cotto or something. We all know where Hattons limit is..when he steps up to the Floyd Mayweather class of opposition, he gets beat.

Yep it is what it is, Floyd beat a lesser fighter nothing more [/sarcasm]

What is it with you brits ? You have been in the boxing shadow of US for so long and now you try to prove a point that you've finally stepped out of it.

Not at all dude, what we are saying is that whenever a UK guy beats a US guy then the guy he beat gets an automatic "bum" status but the other way around doesn't work that way. Floyd whooped Ricky big time, my hat goes off to him he is the better boxer by far and I have nothing negative to say about him but please just let us have our moment of glory in peace and lets leave it at that.

You guys have far more knowledge than I do when it comes to Boxing so I don't want to debate the facts, I just like winding Skillz up as he takes a joke well.
Forum Index » Profile for Donny_king » Messages posted by Donny_king
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