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Messages posted by: edder1234
Forum Index » Profile for edder1234 » Messages posted by edder1234
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now what i did removed myself from ranks so everyona can stop bitching..
you are a waste of sperm
so obama am i a ducker??
mikkel didnt say nothing so stfu idiot
now ur on my badside obama>?? i said i was leaving after that fight now ur making shit up w/e
No mikkel!! pls lmao
i hope Mosley beat the shit our of mayorga all his shit talk lol how bout you guys?
yay!! sals here ! congrats !!!!
i really will miss you catfish
ill miss you buddy I hope everything goes well for you.
yep im in second grade now thanks for asking.
so...what abou death dealerS?!
wats up smoker
why!! hahah
Forum Index » Profile for edder1234 » Messages posted by edder1234
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