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Messages posted by: thesniper
Forum Index » Profile for thesniper » Messages posted by thesniper
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I think if it listed top 15 it would be good. Top 10 is not enough and top 30 is too much.
thesniper wrote:
Paul Dion wrote:haha no wonder i struggled beating you, your a vet! hmph

I don't see where you beat me?

The Sniper TKO2 Guess Who
The Sniper KO1 Guess Who
The Sniper W6 Guess Who
Larry Holmes wrote:
Paul Dion wrote:haha no wonder i struggled beating you, your a vet! hmph

The record of 1597-1338 didnt tip you off ?

I was under a new account just testing the waters so my record was showing a very low number of fights.
Paul Dion wrote:haha no wonder i struggled beating you, your a vet! hmph

I don't remember that. What name were you on?
Just had a fight with "BLANCO" - one of the best fights I've ever been in period:

He took a SD12
Like most who retire, I couldn't stand to be away from the game, it's that damn good. After having some fun in the tourney, I decided to renew my account for a month. Let's see how it goes.

I look forward to having some competitive and tough fights with all of you.

Take Care,
Unstoppable KO2 The Sniper
The Sniper TKO3 Unstoppable
Unstoppable KO3 The Sniper
Unstoppable wrote:sniper give me a good time u will be on

I'll be on Sunday night.
It's cool guys I was just bitchin You're right that's the way all other sports set it up (best fights worst in first round). I know I've been gone awhile but I don't think being that low in the seeds was correct but oh well.

I'll be giving you some tough fights Unstop.

Fuk I may as well forfeit lol.

Not to bitch but the brackets seem like all the top fighters are set up to advance because they're all fighting lesser opponents.
HTF wrote:its funny the ones that are bitchin are the ones always getting there asses kicked.

It's not a matter of getting your ass kicked or not. It's a matter of if the game is fun to play. And right now it isn't as fun as it once was. I enjoy fights where I lose a FIGHT. I don't enjoy losing fights where my opponent isn't interested in anything but outgaying.

You think you have an answer to everything HTF, and this has happened in the past. If anyone mentions something you don't agree with personally, you would be on here until there were 300 replies just to get the last word in. I'm not here to play these games, I just thought I would make a few comments and suggestions about how to improve the game. Comments like yours will not help improve anything. I'm sure that you would be #1 no matter what happens, and that is not the issue here. Myself and a few others who used to be regulars around here just don't feel that the game is as good as it used to be, and with a few small changes, I'm sure it would help bring back some fighters. If you want to fight the same 5 people for the next 6 months, then so be it.

I have said what I've wanted to say, and I will no longer be replying in this thread. I'm sure you will be on here within 5 minutes degrading me and honestly I don't care.

Have a good night.

Fatny wrote:saying the majority of the top 10 fight gay is wrong, you haven't fought many good players

personnally i think the top 5 is htf larry me usa and unstop and none there fights with the jab, fernando is up there too and he's a brawler

don't base your opinion on back to back fights against say Sugarray and Flash, the princes of gay-fighting

Those people you listed are the cream of the crop and are good fighters.

Trust me I have fought everyone who is active in this game, and the majority of them fight gay.
Tyrant wrote:hah, the jab is the one punch where your stamina is LEAST takes more energy to throw hard hooks, right hands, uppercuts and body shots than it does to push, paw or snap a jab...

there are plenty of fighters right now who can beat me simply because they are aggressive and apply good pressure...they may not knock me out, but they are active enough to win a close or comfortable decision...

You have a good point here and like I just said in your other post, I remember when there were many more players who came to fight rather than trying to figure out how to 'out-gay' their opponents. That's what I've been really trying to say here. I don't know what changes would need to be made, whether it has to do with stamina or not, in order to get more fighters to fight rather than out-gay each other. But I do know the game would be a lot more fun if we figured out what change would result in that.
That could be a good idea. I guess what I was trying to say in the other post was that there are A LOT of people who have adopted boring jab styles or styles that make use of faults in the game. I remember when the majority of the top 10 were there because they fought to get there, not because they learned how to 'out-gay' their opponent.

Mikkel wrote:
It's tough to balance. If I put a little more stamina in the game, it won't have any significane during the fight.
So the option would be to remove it completely. Suggestions are welcome.

The aggressor shouldn't be so limited. In this game if you have an aggressive opponent, all you have to do is step back and jab the hell out of him to win the fight. The only real fights that happen are when you have two aggressors fighting each other. Lately that's a rarity since it's so easy to change your style to jab and wait for the other guy to get bored of having a jab match and eventually coming in and trying to brawl. Then you just have to control him with the jab and you're home free... Maybe change it so that the jab takes away more stamina? I really think that's the problem. You can throw WAY too many jabs and lose barely any stamina.

The other problem is people that duck down (#2). If they are at a certain distance right in front of you and your glove hits them with a power punch, it will not register. Some people (Red Viper) have gotten this trick down to an art so that when he's ducking down, you can never hit him in the body at close range - even when your gloves appear to hit him with power shots. It's very unrealistic.

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