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Messages posted by: SugarRayLeonard
Forum Index » Profile for SugarRayLeonard » Messages posted by SugarRayLeonard
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how come everytime someone gets a lucky win against me they log off without even so much as a gf never mind a rm the latest person/ scumbag to do this is ANDREAS so i wont be entertaining his challenges again the thing is i had nothing to gain by fighting him but 38 points to lose so i respected his challenge anyway and accepted but the least i could ask for in return is a rm surely maybe i should start my point huggers/duckers list again hey mikkel or donny maybe u could lock this post so i can add names as and when thanks guys


-ANDREAS (congratulations your first on the shit list)
ive decided to stay and ignore the kids comments hope to see u all in the ring
due to the sudden influx of assholes i am considering leaving this game that i love for good im here to fight and i fight anyone but it seems if someone beats me i dont get a rm im also apparently a racist a cunt and a list full of other obscenitys including threats against my family thanks oscar
servers back on
mikkel is online
When ill the server be up and running again???
lmao bitches shut up
dont think anyone can log on atm
It wouldnt be a disqualification because a fighter is only classed as being knocked down once his glove touches the floor.
I had a fighter named chopper81 if you ask around people will let you know he wasnt very liked but i had over a thousand wins with him but i only started in december so as you can tell ive played a lot of hours.

Both fighters style make for a classic encounter.

What are your views???

Who do you think has the bottle to win???
lol im doing ok for 6 mnths play time but i admit have put a lot of hours in
I started playin in december and there was a couple of occasions were it went down all evening
Well i cant log on either so chances are its a server problem
no i dont do that!!!!! but have had it done to me and i know what you mean it does pee me off too! Has this server crashed????
Forum Index » Profile for SugarRayLeonard » Messages posted by SugarRayLeonard
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