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Messages posted by: Ali
Forum Index » Profile for Ali » Messages posted by Ali
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I'm sure Mikkel will sort out the problem. I was thinking, how about we try and get a spot on a boxing forum again like ol' times (maybe Fighbeat?). It attracts a good cast of characters who are actually into boxing too.
Muhammad Ali

Larry is the best ever, no doubt.
TURTLEMAN wrote:or at least the people that is wiewing the fight can see the scoreboard each round but not the people thats is fighting.

I disagree, people would just end up spoiling it for the fighters.
Hey, how is everyone doing? I haven't been around in a while, could someone bring me up to speed with any changes? Thanks
Morales > Ali via me leaving
Morales > Ali SD
Kikin wrote:
Ali wrote:I will be popping in and out throughout the day but if your looking for a specific time, say 5:00pm UK time?

im on right now and your not accepting my challenge

Haven't seen you online all day man
I will be popping in and out throughout the day but if your looking for a specific time, say 5:00pm UK time?
Where are you Morales? I want to get my tourny campaign underway!
Well done for getting this thing started Unstop. You have taken time out to create a bit of fun for us all and I am sure everyone appreciates that, I certainly do.
Quality, I like this guy.
IMO you have got the balance just right Mikkel. In reality, no fighter could go all guns blazing without losing steam. That is the disadvantage of throwing alot of punches, yes it will win you rounds, but your going to be running on fumes in the later stages. Unless you take the odd round off of course.

In reality also, if you stick a guy in the ring who is only looking to come forward and brawl and put him in with a decent boxer, chances are the brawler is going to get his arse handed to him.
I have been here the longest you bastards.
Boxing Guy wrote:i started this game today playing it. i just found out about how to talk.. i never thought it was going to be that difficult but it is. i asked alot of people if they could help me but they didnt want to. i didnt think it would be like that. but are alot of guys in here are jerks???1 of them i kept asking if he could help me but he said to get out and never come back! and the other guy told me to press this buttons that he told me wich exited the game. i think his name was here to fight. i think that was his name. well anyways i need direction how to play. they told me to play in single player but its hard. i wish i could know more about this game. can anybody help me out here?

I'l help you out mate, I'l teach you the fine arts of GAY.
Surj wrote:
Ali wrote:With news that the 'Next Gen' version of OB isn't far off, it seems that we are coming to the end of an era. This version of the game has been, well, fucking brilliant to say the least. It has brought us so many quality fighters, legends, and some genuinely great characters, all of whom will go down in OB history. When time comes, who wants to look back with anything but fond memories and pride? I for one don't. That is why, for the last chapter of the game as we know it's life, I am going to give it everything I've got. I urge everyone of you to do the same. No matter how great your ability, whether you be a HOF'er or journeyman, fucking go for it, leave your mark before it is too late. It is time for one final Golden Era, and let's all be a part of it. Let's give this game the send off it deserves.

Everyone should ALWAYS try their hardest even if someone is not looking thats called perserverance

Yes, everyone should. But they don't.
Forum Index » Profile for Ali » Messages posted by Ali
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