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Messages posted by: Fierce
Forum Index » Profile for Fierce » Messages posted by Fierce
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Is there a problem with the game, its not loading?... or could this be a problem related to the Spam that has come in... ?


fierce the only fierce bitch, the 1 and only fierce bitch, the 1 fierce bitch that bitch slaps a bitch into a ditch if u cant fight the itch, then expect to get <.< .... >.>...... <.<
Ob2d IS long overdue an update, which is why u shud go ahead with ur idea an multiplayer game Rocket. Unfortunately in this world u only get what u want wen u do it yourself... but u got all our support, u kno wot we want and all the features etc we want and it seems like ud listen more then Mikkel. So it could have potential to get alot off attention,popularity and ppl to the game. Like ob2d could.....

I mean Mikkel knows all that stuff too and I don't wanna put him down cos of all the work that he's done and the Epic game he has created, but 1. Sum things cud improve, 2. Mikkel is shit at advertising/promotion etc etc and has little enthusiasm for it 3. He won't do the updates unless there are more ppl playing the game AND he doesn't believe making the changes will improve the no of ppl playing or increase the number of ppl playing (which is where I think he is wrong).

So wot now Rocket? I guess u have reached ur first hurdle... and need to decide what to do.... 1 thing is for sure.... OB2D has hit a Low / a Lull and has no wind in it's sails anymore or at the moment has hardly any ppl playin although those that do are very supportive and enthusiastic about the game, and has no momentum.

1 idea is to make ur training tutorial for this game Rocket. THAT would increase the numbers... But do u wanna do that? Can u even do it with ur platform? can u make it tie in with this game? can u make it for this game? would that even work?

Another thing u could do is work with Mikkel as Titan said and is totally right, u Shud think about it... But how? Perhaps doing the idea I just said ? or what else, the 1 u said?

1 thing I will say is if u do that (and not ur own thing) u will find Mikkel maybe quote hard to work with and his communication to suck.

Either way I hope this helps, I kno how u love the game, and the decision is urs.

Good luck
TheRocket wrote:Im making it in blender. And mikkel, how would you feel about the idea of making ob3d simply a game played from the side view like you do in ob2d. That way its just forward and backward movment and still has a similar concept as ob2d. And out of curiosity what did you make ob3d in.

I think Rocket has the Right Idea.

This New game of Rockets could be the way forward?

what with the popularity that ob2d has and the problems that it has which have been mentioned countless times...
If anyone wants to see a Good Fight and lesson in survival, as well as preparing yourself for a long boring fight and adapting your style to take it the distance then check out this Good close fight between me and canelo.

Round 8+9 were a Survival for me and probably the most important pivotal rounds.

Check it out!

I welcome All Comments !
Jus to say... Along the lines of what everyone's been talking about - Advertising, Singleplayer etc etc (John I totally agree with everything you've said - Keep trying mate!)

that I will be considering making a website for onlineboxing. It is purely for fun and to help it gain popularity and expand as a whole. It is something that if I attract people to, will in turn attract people to OB as that will be what it is about and will have links on the site to this one. in my time i have learnt alot about making websites and have even created a few for various reasons perhaps sometimes pointless. One such reason I created one was for a Gym which there used to be in OB and I was a member of one. I had around 15 members that visited the website although is was really quite simplistic and mainly just to know who was a member of our Gym.

Its basically an Idea for a website for the community of OB who want to see it expand and succeed and do well, gain popularity, for those who believe in it and also a more practical way of Actually doing just that, in a more hands-on way rather then just come into the forums Here over an over and express an idea and do nothing about it. - And also for fun.

My ideas for the site were to List the members of OB with pictures of each one and clips of them in action and a little write up of their style.

If anyone wanted to write bits about themselves similar to how they do on their profiles here they could do so...

If anyone had any other ideas about it i could edit and change things as and when you please. This could include any other ideas for what the website could be used for and how to attract others. It would generally also be a place to write about how to expand / improve and advertise OB.

There would be a forum page, chat boxes to leave comments and other things.

I just wanted to know what you all thought of this idea and hoped i would get your support. Obviously i hoped you would support it too mikkel.

Please leave your comments.

Also any messages/ideas are welcome you can private message me them too just make them clear and concise.

The Website will be called EpicOB. (or something like that, obviously thats not the address as it will be made in future.)


I think you should write it John, or Fatny, but I don't think he will so you should.
Dont really kno wot to say other then ur hopeless wen it comes to advertising marketing OB Mikkel :/ lol no offense, on the 1 hand u say any1 is welcome to advertise OB and Wen I do and make an effort u put it down or ignore it, on the other hand u say it's not really helpful wen I tell u to research it, online marketing is 1 of the easiest things to find out about on the Internet.

The fact is you can make money from this game by making money from having a website that attracts ppl. You can make money from any website. As long as u got ppl coming to it. But I'm not gonna set that all up for you and have you take all the money lol.

Besides it wud really only start making good money if you had Lots of ppl coming to it.. Yes it's possible maybe depending on how much effort ur willing to giv..and cooperation.. as well as whether the server can even hold that many?.. (Yer I've chatted to u about it before + u sed it's possible and u cud make changes in time) and also little changes u might wanna make to keep large numbers of ppl , I'm thinking of the chat txt box.. getting overloaded? u sed multiple rooms.. Maybe cross room fights etc etc.. It's obvious u think u can do it.. But this is all into the future anyway.

Forgot to say other then all that Good Work John.
well i dont know what u want then mate Good luck !
why not?
Fatny wrote:
Fierce wrote:
Fatny wrote:
Fierce wrote:
Mikkel wrote:
Fierce wrote:Google Adsense is free.. .

No its not Mr Marketing Wizard. Where do you think google gets its billions from ?

Not from Adsense. Theres about 100 different varieties you nob.

"Google Network Revenues – Google’s partner sites generated revenues of $2.98 billion, or 27% of Google revenues, in the second quarter of 2012. This represents a 20% increase from second quarter 2011 Google network revenues of $2.48 billion."

(partner sites = adense. They more or less make 3/4 of their income from the ads on the search engine and 1/4 from the sites with adsense)

Partner sites does not necessarily mean adsense. stop trying to comment on this topic to look cool u sad fuck.

im not gonna have a gay little sad fucker banter with u on statistics and who knows more about what u div.

there are many different systems set up by google to make money with 'partner sites'.

Adsense gives you the ability to put adverts on your web page and thus get money per visit from the public. This is not what you (mikkel) were talking about. Im guessing You were talking about paying to have your website put on Search Engine's, which is totally different.

Either way there are many Other options out there to advertise/market your site, for free, you just gotta do the research on it.

#What a Pointless contribution dare i call it that Fatny just made on this topic.
Is Dick Sucking Really endemic on this game?

Thank you for teaching me and Mikkel about the googles and about the interwebs

ermm thanks but i wasn't trying to teach you, it seemed more like thats what you were tryin to do. I was just talking to mikkel about marketing.

thanks anyway for your 'contribution' Fatny
Fatny wrote:
Fierce wrote:
Mikkel wrote:
Fierce wrote:Google Adsense is free.. .

No its not Mr Marketing Wizard. Where do you think google gets its billions from ?

Not from Adsense. Theres about 100 different varieties you nob.

"Google Network Revenues – Google’s partner sites generated revenues of $2.98 billion, or 27% of Google revenues, in the second quarter of 2012. This represents a 20% increase from second quarter 2011 Google network revenues of $2.48 billion."

(partner sites = adense. They more or less make 3/4 of their income from the ads on the search engine and 1/4 from the sites with adsense)

Partner sites does not necessarily mean adsense. stop trying to comment on this topic to look cool u sad fuck.

im not gonna have a gay little sad fucker banter with u on statistics and who knows more about what u div.

there are many different systems set up by google to make money with 'partner sites'.

Adsense gives you the ability to put adverts on your web page and thus get money per visit from the public. This is not what you (mikkel) were talking about. Im guessing You were talking about paying to have your website put on Search Engine's, which is totally different.

Either way there are many Other options out there to advertise/market your site, for free, you just gotta do the research on it.

#What a Pointless contribution dare i call it that Fatny just made on this topic.
Is Dick Sucking Really endemic on this game?
Mikkel wrote:
Fierce wrote:Google Adsense is free.. .

No its not Mr Marketing Wizard. Where do you think google gets its billions from ?

Not from Adsense. Theres about 100 different varieties you nob.
Google Adsense is free.. .
Forum Index » Profile for Fierce » Messages posted by Fierce
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