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Messages posted by: KUSH
Forum Index » Profile for KUSH » Messages posted by KUSH
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reaper no one gives a shit about titles but you.. When I am on and ur not I defend against who ever..There is only a hand full of people that even played this game long before I came around so u can suck my cock u understand that cock boy?

I get on mostly morning time and mid afternoon. if people are on ill fight but I will not stay logged in for hours waiting around fuck that. What ruined this game was the server switch. The decline in players went BOOMYAYA after that.. So start stating facts before u speak u ugly little girl.

At the end of the day you fucking suck so bad I could give a fuck what you say I just like slamming you for the little stupid prick you are. Hell even REDNECK is a better troll then you.
sterlihalla wrote:
KUSH wrote:
sterlihalla wrote:
KUSH wrote:No one respects you. You are just a LOSER #FAIL
your a alt noob who is getting weak defenses. you wont even say who you are because your afraid of a dick in your mother and your display picture shows how much of a fagget kid you are. get off my nuts and eat your yacoob flakes bitch

My alt has been KNOWN #FAIL.. I even knocked you out on him u faggot.
yh and ive knocked u out fagget. hash tag your mother lol

Reaper you are a pussy low testosterone piece of shit.. Your estrogen is so high ur probably growing tits bigga then yo mumm ya wanker
sterlihalla wrote:
KUSH wrote:No one respects you. You are just a LOSER #FAIL
your a alt noob who is getting weak defenses. you wont even say who you are because your afraid of a dick in your mother and your display picture shows how much of a fagget kid you are. get off my nuts and eat your yacoob flakes bitch

My alt has been KNOWN #FAIL.. I even knocked you out on him u faggot.
No one respects you. You are just a LOSER #FAIL
You say the same shit over and over like a broken record. Shut the fuck up and get off my nuts u nut hugging little bitch. Go stick a mayonnaise jar up your ass you little fuck.
Redneck wrote:you guys better stfu with this new Server shit. It will never happen and all that it archives is that it kills the game more and more because the guys that are used to this Server now are fucked up and leave the game because of all the "New Server Cryers"

Damn another retarded post by you redneck fuck I thought you were gonna give us all a break a never post again.

The only people that like this sever are Europe players. We had more players before the server switch.

What do you mean it will never happen? It would have already happened ill I needed to do was get it set up. But I got busy and I never did it. No one is trying to screw Europe players we are just trying to find a more balanced place for the server so that USA players can also enjoy quicker fights. The only fast fights on this server are the ones between the Europe fighters.

If I recall even when we set up a new server the current one will still stay so really its a win win type of deal..................... Your just a retarded cry baby that attempts to troll this forum/game but you suck major balls at doing so and come off more like a retarded bitch.
I found a server for $20 a month I can set it up this weekend I can pay for the first month maybe two then if any one would like to donate a couple bucks that will help.
Phenom wrote:The inactivity level is crazy on this game. I've been online at random 1/2 hour spurts and no one even comes online. I think OB is slowly bleeding out people.

Ive logged in several times through out the day and if no one is there I click out I can't waste time waiting around.
sterlihalla wrote:
KUSH wrote:
Redneck wrote:

Just don't post a pic of yourself man or ill be forced to REAPER U(my avatar) haha jp
wow how much a loser do u look? eat ur kush flakes bitch

How much of a loser do I look? Not as big as the loser in my fucking avatar french fry faggot.
Redneck wrote:

Just don't post a pic of yourself man or ill be forced to REAPER U(my avatar) haha jp
Redneck wrote:Just askin'

Its all because of that dumb Suggestion with this new Server (John & his gang). So most of us were shocked because of that talking (some told me that).
Nothing happened...the only Thing that happened is that most of the european guys stopped playing.


Redneck you are a unintelligent person. When you post it makes you look like a ignorant stupid son of a bitch.
sterlihalla wrote:
KUSH wrote:
sterlihalla wrote:
KUSH wrote:I took these belts from a paper champion.. ur a faggot reaper no one likes u go cry u little emo bitch.
ur a worse champ then me, i defended more than u have in a week mofo


You dont fight me because youll lose, i sent 10x challenges pussy. SO GO EAT UR KUSH FLAKES YOU FAGGET KID.

have you ever beat me? so when ur sucking do it gentle and slow from the balls to the top mayne.
sterlihalla wrote:
KUSH wrote:I took these belts from a paper champion.. ur a faggot reaper no one likes u go cry u little emo bitch.
ur a worse champ then me, i defended more than u have in a week mofo

I took these belts from a paper champion.. ur a faggot reaper no one likes u go cry u little emo bitch.
sterlihalla wrote:eat your kush flakes u fagget. u just ducked phenom

Wtf are u talking about phenom didnt send a challenge or say one word u silly little bitch.. And the odds are he wouldnt of wanted to fight with ping banging around 300. Do u see CA complaining? NO
Forum Index » Profile for KUSH » Messages posted by KUSH
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