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Messages posted by: Dark Destroyer
Forum Index » Profile for Dark Destroyer » Messages posted by Dark Destroyer
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Fallen Angel sounds like a girl's Myspace name.
You retire and come back more times than Hulk Hogan.
I will try and ignore people who antagonise me.
Nigel Benn TKO 12 Rush
Nigel Benn TKO 12 Rush
Since the 4 titles have been in action (3 months now I think), I've seen a ton of new champions + defences for ALL the world championships.

We all agreed to have 4 belts back in action and so far I think it's worked. The game is alot more fun now, realistic and there is more chance of winning a title.
I strongly disagree. Took alot of effort to being these title back not to long ago.
Well I HATE winning the title this way, so although I'm ranked No2 on the OBA list, I don't want a shot at the title. If I'm still No2 when Mikkel gets round to setting up the matches I'd like him to give the shot to the person ranked 3 instead.
Yeah, I wont defend it against anyone else don't worry.
USA wrote:lol if u cant beat them join them is all part of the game dude

Yup that's what I did. He is right on a few points, I was an aggressive fighter for a long time, but I just kept running out of stamina and kept getting owned by the jab and the lean.

So In the last 3 months I have slowly changed my style and I now jab and lean to win fights. Since the stamina change it's almost impossible to slug and win over the stretch.
LOL Flash, how many names do you have?.
Unstop and myself have already rumbled his game, he fights and types just like Flash.

First few seconds of round 1. A big hook and two body shots on the way down surely should have been enough, I have done it hundreds of times. What do you guys think?.
Fitting that the greatest ever is now a mod.
Forum Index » Profile for Dark Destroyer » Messages posted by Dark Destroyer
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